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MarigoldHome Team(2022) 

This is an awkward tug-of-war between family sports drama and wacky comedy. In the end, it's neither, more like a sympathetically stupid stew. I have a soft spot for films about submarines and the best sport in the… (more)

MrHladMunich – The Edge of War(2021) 

A narrative and audiovisually very good historical film that combines real events with fictional ones. But while the former are at least interesting, the latter not so much. As long as Munich – The Edge of War tries to… (more)

D.MooreDjango & Django: Sergio Corbucci Unchained(2021) 

An infectiously enthusiastic fan documentary about "the other Sergio" who poured ketchup all over his western spaghetti. I was surprised and pleased that Quentin Tarantino has a starring role, because it wouldn't be… (more)