Louis Garrel

Louis Garrel

Born 14/06/1983 (41 years old)
Paris, Île de France, France


Louis Garrel has played as an actor in titles including The Dreamers (Bernardo Bertolucci, 2003), Les amants réguliers (Philippe Garrel, 2005), La belle personne (Christophe Honoré, 2008), which competed in San Sebastian, and Le redoutable (Godard Mon Amour, 2017). As a director he has signed the short films Mes copains (2008), Little Tailor (2010) and La règle de trois (2011). His first feature film, Les deux amis (Two Friends, 2015), screened in the Semaine de la Critique at the Festival de Cannes. The second, L’homme fidèle (A Faithful Man, 2018), won the Jury Prize for Best Screenplay in San Sebastian. La croisade (The Crusade, 2021) showed as a special screening at the Festival de Cannes, to whose Official Selection he returned in 2022, out of competition, with L'innocent (The Innocent).

Festival de San Sebastián




