Ángel de la Cruz

Ángel de la Cruz

Born 12/06/1963 (61 years old)
A Coruña, Galicia, Spain


Director, author, screenwriter and producer, born in La Coruña, Spain, in 1963. He came in contact with filmmaking in 1993 as decoration assistant for Félix Murcia in Tirano Banderas. He began working on screenwriting and directing in 1995-1997 with the short film trilogy Sitcom Show, Paranoia Digital and Más Difícil Todavía. His first commercial production as screenwriter and director was the animated feature film El Bosque Animado (2001), which was followed by the Spain-Portuguese animation production El Sueño de una Noche de San Juan (2005), both winner of a Goya Award from the Film Arts and Sciences Academy from Spain. As a screenwriter, director and producer, his last film was the fiction feature film Los Muertos Van de Prisa (2009), produced by Artemática. He produced the documentary Querida Gina directed by Susana Sotelo. As a screenwriter and executive producer he premiered the animated film Arrugas (2011) directed by Ignacio Ferreras, that won the Goya 2012 for Best Adapted Script and Best Animated Film.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Monterrey


