Bel Powley

Bel Powley

Born 07/03/1992 (32 years old)
London, England, UK

Biography (1)

Bel Powley is a rising British actress whose work already spans stage and the big screen. Later in 2015, Powley was seen starring in Girls' Night Out opposite Sarah Gadon, Jack Reynor, Rupert Everett and Emily Watson. The historical drama follows young Princesses Margaret (Powley) and Elizabeth (Gadon), as they sneak out of Buckingham Palace to celebrate VE Day on May 8, 1945, by mingling with the masses. Directed by Julian Jarrold, Girls' Night Out was released on… (more)

Videos (2)

Making of 1 - Judd Apatow, Pete Davidson, Bel Powley

Gallery (76)


