Pablo Llorca

Pablo Llorca

Born 1963


He is the Spanish independent director par excellence. With a degree in history, since 1989 this writer, programmer and filmmaker has directed (produced, written and edited) all his films with the production company La Bañera Roja / La Cicatriz. He became known with titles such as Venecias (1989), Jardines colgantes (1993), Todas hieren (1998), La espalda de Dios (2000) and La cicatriz (2004), with which he participated in festivals such as San Sebastian, Rotterdam, Mar del Plata, London, Chicago and Gijon. He has been in Seville with his films RECOLETOS arriba y abajo (2012), Un ramo de Cactus (2013), El gran salto adelante (2014), País de TODO A 100 (2014), Días de color naranja (2016) and Ternura y la tercera persona (2017).

Festival de Cine de Sevilla




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