Johan Heldenbergh

Johan Heldenbergh

Born 09/02/1967 (57 years old)
Wilrijk, Belgium


Johan Heldenbergh, together with Mieke Dobbels, created the 2009 stage play The Broken Circle Breakdown featuring the CoverUUps of Alabama. Johan learned how to play the banjo,guitar and mandolin for his leading role!as Didier, a member of a bluegrass band. Both the public and the press were unanimous in their praise for the soldUout performances in Belgian Flanders and the Netherlands of the production by Compagnie Cecilia. The success of Felix vanGroeningen's movie version is a highlight in the unique history of this play. (And Johan doesn't mind the title having been cut in half for the movie!).

Johan previously worked with Felix van Groeningen in The Misfortunates and Steve + Sky. Johan's other screen credits include Marleen Gorris' Antonia (1995 Oscar winner) and Tom Barman's Any Way the Wind Blows. Johan is a graduate of Studio Herman Teirlinck. He has performed in a number of much talkedUabout stage productions, including Massis, the musical, a monologue written by himself, Ten Oorlog (Blauwe Maandag Compagnie), Mijn Blackie (HetPaleis & Nieuwpoorttheater), Allemaal Indiaan (Victoria en Les Ballets C. de la B.) and Maria Eeuwigdurende Bijstand (DasTheater & Theater Zuidpool).

Tribeca Film




The Broken Circle Breakdown - theater play



Schellebelle 1919
