The Unguarded Studio: The Painter Peter Tomschiczek

  • Germany Das unbewachte Atelier - Der Maler Peter Tomschiczek
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Peter Tomschiczek is a painter. His son is a filmmaker. In the evenings they meet up in Peter’s studio to discuss art, creativity and creative processes. Together they travel to West Africa and to a Croatian karst island – both regular sites of the painter’s inspiration. There the filmmaker’s father soaks up impressions and experiences of nature, which must then be interpreted in pictures. Archaic perceptions of the natural world are the source of his creativity. With this film, while the painter grapples with nature, the son grapples with his father. Ultimately it is about understanding life and reflecting it in art. We can feel the energy of the two creators emanating from this fusion of painting and cinema. (DOK.fest München)

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