
Gantz is based on a hit manga series created by Hiroya Oku and stars leading Japanese actors Kazunari Ninomiya and Kenichi Matsuyama. The film tells the story of two childhood friends that are accidentally killed while trying to save a man's life. Rather than find themselves in the hereafter, however, they awaken in a strange apartment in which they find a mysterious black orb they come to know as Gantz. Along with similar abductees, they are provided with equipment and weaponry and manipulated into playing a kind of game in which they are sent back out to the greater world to do battle with alien beings, all while never quite knowing whether this game is an illusion or their new reality. (Manga Home Entertainment)


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English The manga "Gantz" has been quite successful in getting me hooked, and I was very curious to see what the live-action version was like. I have to say that the live-action versions of the manga aren't quite what I would have imagined, with Death Note being proof of that, but it can have interesting elements. Since the manga builds on a sci-fi story and gratuitous violence, the nudity here is quite graphic, and I was curious to see how it would be portrayed in the film. It's probably a Japanese A-grade production because this version is incredibly sterile and it's pretty clear from the start that it's definitely not going to be as B-grade as you'd like. Compared to the manga, this is a truly sterile spectacle, even if it wouldn't seem so with some of the bloody explosions. And remember, when you vomit, put your hand in front of your mouth. ()

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