25572 Büttel

Documentary / Short
Germany, 2012, 5 min

Directed by:

Rainer Komers


Early spring. Bare trees, a river bend, ripples like fish scales, a thundering barge on the horizon. Wind turbines slice the time as they imitate the sound of fighters over a monument to the fallen heroes. 25572. The food hung in bags from the windows of housing containers is a tangible reminder of the provisional conditions and an unmistakable sign of the life for which they fought.
“…from a distance, the smell of cheap flowers + steel + belongings afflicted by the storm on the next day: my fatherland”. Only a brief, modest shot of the names of the fallen. A pink spring blossom, intense sounds, and high-tension wires as proof that the world of the living balancing out the sacrifice. (Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival)


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