It's the Earth Not the Moon

  • Portugal É na Terra não é na Lua
Portugal, 2011, 180 min

Directed by:

Gonçalo Tocha


Corvo, the most isolated place in Europe, is the smallest island in the archipelago of the Azores. The director GonçaloTocha together with sound engineer DidioPestanatravelled to this far off island where they were quickly accepted by the community. The director gradually becomes a sort of contemporary historian and by interviewing the natives he narrates the traditions of the people of this forgotten island.Their history has never been documented which adds great value to this film. The documentary combines questions on the cosmogony of the island’s population, the way they have survived as an independent community isolated from the world for more than 500 years and their political structure.The film also includes mythical stories about the inhabitants on pirate trading. All of this narrated in an honest and sensible way, exposing a community that struggles against disappearing into a globalized world. (El Riviera Maya Film Festival)

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