
This experimental film, reminiscent of Csontváry's paintings, creates the character of the "Lenz" of the 20th century. The hyper-sensitive polihistor of the second millennium is no romantic, literary man suffering from schizophrenia, but a nuclear scientist suffering from radio-active contamination. Lenz is sent to rest to the mountains by his doctor. Perhaps as a result of his illness, he reacts to the world with a hypersensitivity beyond the realm of sensory organs. In the swarming of insects he recognizes the entirety of the galaxy, during the blossoming of a flower the thousands of years old time. He experiences the divine unity of Nature and the created world on enormous mountain tops. Returning to the city, he continues to look for the meaning of his existence. He constructs his machine of self-discovery, but is unable to get closer to his own self as he has disregarded the relativity of time. Thus he continues working on the nuclear bomb, and only his son keeps him back from blowing up the world. (official distributor synopsis)

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