CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap


Big Tech needs to smash antiquated cultural stereotypes to recruit the best talent and transform an industry mired in a boys' club mindset. Without a more diverse labor force, estimates are that one million engineering jobs will go unfilled by 2020. In her compelling and timely documentary, Robin Hauser Reynolds examines the history and current state of the technology industry and points the way toward a more equitable future. She focuses on the women and people of color within it who are working to increase their numbers in the sector and confronting the false truisms, educational obstacles, and rampant sexism that discourages so many from entering the field despite the wealth of job opportunities. Reynolds provides a platform for industry innovators to speak to complacency and inspire a revolution in startup culture and education that will allow many more people to succeed within the paradigm shift of the Information Age. (Mill Valley Film Festival)

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