The Distinguished Citizen

  • Argentina El ciudadano ilustre (more)
Trailer 1


The Distinguished Citizen exposes various debates which are alive in Argentina and the world. One of them is the rejection of the external view and critique that the protagonist represents, an author exiled to Europe for decades, to the nationalist defense of his fellow countrymen. The peaceful life, the exaltation of one's own and the small-town point of view are an acceptable way of life in a small town, but for this big city author they represent the denial from a society to any idea of progress. A sort of open wound in Argentina's pride is added to this conflict for being a country filled with important authors, but lacking a Nobel for literature, a topic which the film retakes by recognizing the protagonist as the winner of the award that was denied to Jorge Luis Borges.

Daniel Mantovani will embody, at the same time, the great satisfaction and pride for his home town of having an internationally recognized figure, and the rising denial that will reveal itself in the citizens, who at first are fascinated by his visit, as they get to know him more and more. Like it has happened with so many artists related to their home towns, the fascination will mutate into contempt as they begin to learn his ideas and positions and, above all else, when the contents of his novels begin to spread, novels which critically portray the small-town life in Salas, making it a reality that "no man is a prophet in his own land". (Latido Films)

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