
Since 2013 more than thirty thousand fighters from all over the world have joined the troops of the self-proclamed Islamic State (Daesh) in Syria. Fighting against them as part of the YPO (Popular Protection Command) in Rojava - in the north of Syria and prevalently Kurdish - are some hundreds of Westerners. This is the story of three of them: a former American marine, an unemployed Italian communist, and a Swedish bodyguard. Twenty-year-olds who have left their homes to fight Isis side by side with the Kurds, losing their companions, discovering a human and political dimension of the conflict, and irremediably changing their life. The images of the protagonists in the most difficult and significant theater of war of the past decades are interwoven with their everyday life once they return home - to the U.S.A., Sweden, and Italy, and explore the most intimate reasons behind the actions of these youngsters, and their wish to go back and fight a war that is only apparently distant, one that continues to expand in Europe. (Venice International Film Festival)

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