

Takahashi Tetsuo is a demi-obsessed researcher who wants to learn more about the demi-humans, aka demis, living in the world. When he starts a new teaching job, he discovers four demis at the school and does the only thing a researcher can do - interview them! But he's about to learn there's more to these girls than the legends claim. Nothing's more complicated than being a teenaged demi! (Madman Entertainment)


Reviews of this series by the user Jeoffrey (1)

Interviews with Monster Girls (2017) 

English "Interviews but not only with a vampire" is a very likable and pleasant affair, which, thanks to the lovely animation and delightful characters led by an understanding and charismatic teacher, was really entertaining. It is cheerful and playful, and it actually makes you feel good because it is about helping mythological creatures and their everyday worries. Therefore, there was usually a smile on my face. Cool 8/10. ()