keep that dream burning

Short / Experimental
Austria / Germany, 2017, 8 min

Directed by:

Rainer Kohlberger


"Noise has always fascinated me. When I was young, there was an old television set without reception. I stared into the static 'snow' and twiddled the knobs to modulate the signal noise. A kind of early instrument. I don't consider it to be a negative concept, instead it represents a premonition, for everything new that comes into the world. A promise of greatest possible indeterminacy." (Rainer Kohlberger) Rainer Kohlberger applied various algorithms to extract the noise from a vast number of action films and used this to reduce the dramaturgy of the narrative to its essence. keep that dream burning oscillates between maximum abstraction and pure blur. Within the blurriness, objects form and disappear. The surface allows the space to be conceived. (Berlinale)

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