Benaras: The Unexplored Attachments

India, 2014, 8 min


Benaras - The Unexplored Attachments is a film on the ancient city named 'Varanasi' situated on the banks of river Ganges in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is the holiest of the seven sacred cities (Sapta Puri) in Hinduism, and Jainism, and the city is said to have played an important role in the development of Buddhism. It is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world, and a spot that attracts tourists and travelers from round the world. This film is not based on information or realistic facts. Film conception is fictional, where the city is juxtaposed as a lady love, as seen from the perspective of a young lover who comes to meet her, and explore her. The film is all about an egoistic personification and based on personal interpretations of gender intimacy. (Mezinárodní festival outdoorových filmů)
