
In this thrilling Western, a young boy named Rio (Jake Schur), is forced to go on the run across the American Southwest in a desperate attempt to save himself and his sister (Leila George) from his villainous uncle (Chris Pratt). Along the way he encounters infamous outlaw Billy the Kid (Dane DeHaan) who’s on the run from Sheriff Pat Garrett (Ethan Hawke). Finding himself increasingly entwined in the lives of these two legendary figures, Rio witnesses their cat-and-mouse game play out during the final year of Billy the Kid’s life. Ultimately Rio is forced to decide exactly what type of man he wants to be, the outlaw or the man of valour, and will use this self-realisation in a final act to save his family. Based on one of the Old West’s most notorious tales, The Kid is an action-packed Western boasting powerful performances, blood-soaked shoot-outs and gripping drama. (Lionsgate Home Entertainment)



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