Tears & Dreams

? %
Italy, 2019, 60 min

Directed by:

Lia Beltrami


Lia Beltrami


In the Golden Triangle, a meeting point between Laos, Myanmar and Thailand, famous for the news even for illegal trafficking, stories of tears and dreams are intertwined. The Hakha, the Lahu, the Kajan are Burmese tribes of Chinese origin. Persecuted, often in extreme poverty, refugees without status ... The Sisters of Providence, three Burmese, one Chinese and one Brazilian, in collaboration with the Buddhist monk Ven Chaiwat, engage in the path of dialogue and to give girls a dream. They work relentlessly against trafficking to make girls and boys free from the chains of slavery and the consequences of drugs ... Now they have a dream: to build a restaurant, the "Inn of Happiness", to give girls a future. (Eurasian Bridge)
