
Upon returning home, sailor Yu (Richard Ng) is shock to discover that not only his wife left him, but the house has also subleted to an old maid May Wong (Josephine Siu). Both Yu and Wong have their own strange habits, and they live together under the same roof causes numerous hilarious incidents. Yu determines to quit sailing and fights for the custody of his eight years old daughter Sum Yee. He also decides to turn to be inventor. May Wong gradually sympathizes him and assists him in the fight. But Yu's business partner Mao (Paul Chaing) who pretends to help Yu, but in fact steals all of Yu's inventions. Owing to that, Yu loses the custody. May, at this moment, expresses her love to Yu. But Yu has decided to go on board again, and bids May to wait for him. Yu is now in Thailand and ready to set sail back Hong Kong. But he plays a prank on May, calling to tell her that he's sailing for Middle East. It just happens that the ship sailing for Middle East is sunk. And everybody thinks Yu is dead. Unknowing the damage he has done, Yu returns Hong Kong...... (Joy Sales)



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