Mare of Easttown

Trailer 2



An HBO limited series focused on family and community, Mare of Easttown stars Kate Winslet as Mare Sheehan, a respected small-town Pennsylvania detective investigating a brutal local murder while also balancing her own personal life, which is rapidly falling apart around her. Considered a local hero for a game-clinching jump shot on her high school basketball team, Mare is the sole detective on her police force, which spends most of its time handling drug-related offenses. Behind the scenes, Mare is dealing with the unaddressed loss of her son, running a busy household filled with her mother, teenage daughter, and grandson, and an ex-husband who lives a stone's throw away with his new fiance. As pressure mounts to solve a missing person's case growing increasingly cold, the murder of a teen girl finds Mare obsessed with bringing the killer to justice in a town where everyone is a potential suspect. (Warner Bros. Home Entertainment)


Reviews of this series by the user Stanislaus (1)

Mare of Easttown (2021) 

English I love crime fiction and I adore Kate Winslet, so Mare of Eastown was a godsend for me. The series artfully blends criminal investigation with dense family-relationship drama, and in doing so, expands thematically and plot-wise to a breadth whose dimensions and all sorts of nooks and crannies are exceedingly engaging and surprising. In addition to the serious storyline, the creators managed to incorporate more than one humorous moment that somewhat underplayed the serious tone of the entire series. Kate Winslet was absolutely amazing and it was great to see her in the unusual role of an investigator tormented by family demons and the past. You could almost say that the detective storyline is an afterthought in Mare's case, with the relationship dramas coming to the fore, and they were indeed dense and unpredictable in places. This is certainly not something shallow, but quality material to ponder for some time to come. ()