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Reviews (2,274)


Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) 

English Entertaining, uncomplicated baloney based on a cartoon my sister and I used to watch on TV when we were kids. Sonic is great, the Donut Lord is also fine (even though it is obvious that Marsden had a problem speaking with nobody), but Carrey’s Robotnik is really classy. Jim’s escapades improve the movie slightly in my eyes. Sonic’s dance in the (EVIL) cabin, his yelling and contempt for people and basically everything apart from his drones (and now with COVID-19, Amazon will deliver even faster than we dreamed) are scenes worth watching more than once. "Do you think I’m an idiot? Of course I’ll have your latte. You make a great latte!"


Spectral (2016) 

English A pure-blooded military sci-fi flick shot in Hungary and Slovakia for a few beads. The visual aspect is first-class. The Bose-Einstein condensate is an explanation just within the bounds of credibility, which I am willing to accept in films likes this. Badge Dale is solid up to the point when he begins building a plasma gun out of junk, then his credibility just flies out of the window. The action scenes, especially the climax and the extraction scene in the square, are truly well done (and the Tatra 603s were good to see). A pleasant surprise.


Lilo & Stitch (2002) 

English A fantastic Disney movie that grafts violence, aliens and weapons onto a story about family values. Non-stop one-liners. We get Hawaiian surfing and hula hula dancers, but it’s more about being and outsider and weird. Entertaining for kids and adults alike. And it was clearly made by Elvis fans.


Superman: Red Son (2020) 

English I was annoyed by the divergence from Millar’s comic book in key aspects of the story and the distortion of the ideological ideas presented and basically of the main point. But as an animated film, Red Son is a very clever twist on the Superman myth, with great action and a really dark atmosphere. The best part is his scuffle with Batmankov.


Altered Carbon - Season 2 (2020) (season) 

English A feeble follow-up to the first season. The overcomplicated story and an even less charismatic package in which it's wrapped are spoiled by the obvious economizing on the production design. the pasteboard scenery and cheap special effects in Harlan’s world are just laughable compared to Blade Runner’s Earth. There’s less nudity and unfortunately less Dichen Lachman too. The action is chaotic and hard to follow. The only convincing and intelligible character is Poe. It’s watchable, but rather a missed opportunity.


Guns Akimbo (2019) 

English A sibling of Crank in which Statham is replaced with Harry Potter in a bathrobe with pistols nailed to his hands. The screenplay seems like it was written by a high-school kid who had just discovered Cypress Hill, but it’s filmed with eagerness and unbelievable ferocity. Its allure lies mainly in the visuals and the fact that it's action packed. It takes it a while to really get going, but it’s entertaining and enjoyable overall. It’s probably meant to be a sort of wake-up call to millennials to throw down their cell phones, grab their guns and go kill people.


1917 (2019) 

English Visually perfect. Deakins outdid himself again. Director/screenwriter/producer Mendes, who put together tales told by his grandfather and built a story around them, put his heart into 1917. The technical precision and illusion of one continuous shot make the whole movie an unbelievably intense experience that showed me that the topic of war still has something to say to the modern audience. But the movie does not fail to present a deeply human story, the most moving scene of which was the reciting of nursery rhymes to babies in a dark cellar somewhere in France. Newman’s music is strong and sometimes chilling.


Old-Timers (2019) 

English The best Czech movie in years. This is an excellent film about revenge, spiced up with the fact that the killers are about eighty years old. Problems with orientation, memory and being wheelchair-bound are just some of the obstacles that these war veterans overcome with their own stubborn persistence. The acting performances are brilliant; you just can’t help rooting for both protagonists. Cynical jokes contrast with all of the horrors of old-age and the journey through the picturesque countryside is topped off with laughter at nothing in the retirement home. What the heck has happened with the world? Hats off to Dušek and Provazník, who didn’t slip into comedy, instead reflecting the gravity of the situation. P.S: Schmitzer is basically like The Punisher in a wheelchair.


21 Bridges (2019) 

English The Black Panther’s father was beaten to death and so, now in the role of an NYPD detective, he likes to clean the streets somewhat more thoroughly than his colleagues, preferring to terminate them rather than taking them into custody. He's the perfect candidate to lead a manhunt for two eight-time cop killers who disappeared with 50 kilos of uncut cocaine. This action classic (coherent shoot-outs, high-speed chases) changes direction a little halfway through and is much more intelligent than it seemed at the start. And it just keeps on moving. The moralistic conclusion paradoxically does not present the main character as a good person, but more of a perfectly functioning machine for imposing a new order on the modern world.


Charlie's Angels (2019) 

English I hoped at least for a bit of entertaining action with some cute girls, but that’s not what I got. The car chase shot almost exclusively from inside the vehicle is frustrating. The bad guys escaping thanks to the incompetence of the central team is maddening. Then when the boss says “good work", praising the team… it’s just devastating. Banks directs like a janitor, trampling the legacy of the preceding versions. I didn’t expect anything great, but I’m surprised by how illogically all of the characters behave. Sure, the women help each other out and they’re best friends, which is understandable since all of the men in the movie are either idiots or bad guys. Oh, and one guy cooks for them and gives them massages. At least Stewart appears in a short skirt.

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