Most Watched Genres / Types / Origins

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Drama
  • Short
  • Horror

Favorite Actors (10)

Robert De Niro

Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver), Jimmy Conway (Goodfellas), Vito Corleone (Godfather 2), Neil McCauley (Heat), Sam "Ace" Rothstein (Casino), Louis Cyphre (Angel Heart), Noodles (Once upon a Time in America)

Al Pacino

Michael Corleone (Godfather), Tony Montana (Scarface), Vincent Hanna (Heat)

Harrison Ford

Indiana Jones, Han Solo (Star Wars), Rick Deckard (Blade Runner), Richard Kimble (The Fugitive)........

Clint Eastwood

ztelesnenie filmového tvrďáka ale v prvej rade skvelý herec a významný režisér

Mark Wahlberg

Vypracovať sa z pouličného grázla medzi najlepšie platených hercov v Hollywoode? Áno, dá sa to :) 

Leonardo DiCaprio

Titanic, Gangs of New York, Aviator, Shutter Island, Inception, Body of Lies, Django Unchained.............

Tom Hardy

Tommy Conlon - Warrior, 

Bane - The Dark Knight Rises, 

Forrest Bondurant - Lawless, 

Max Rockatansky - Mad Max: Fury Road,

Reggie Cray / Ronald Cray - Legend

Ryan Gosling

Drive, The Nice Guys, Blue Valentine, La La Land, Blade Runner 2049.....

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