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Reviews (10,848)


The Shape of Water (2017) 

English I didn't know what to expect from this film. Why does a romance between a girl and a monster have 13 Oscar nominations? To be honest, I'm not sure of the answer to that so far, this isn't a film that the Academy would normally award, but it has to be admitted that it's a beautifully directed film, with beautiful visuals, stunning performances and great cinematography that isn't afraid. Yes, it's definitely an experience. And the music!


Borg vs. McEnroe (2017) 

English Tennis isn't really a sport I’d seek out, but if I can passively watch it, why not. After all, the time of Borg and McEnroe is a bit beyond me because I wasn't even born yet, but I liked this film about two tennis personalities presented in this way and I watched it with suspense until the last minute. The acting is excellent, and so is the direction.


Jersey Shore Massacre (2014) 

English This was horrible. Most of the time you don't even enjoy watching the people you're watching, because some of them are really terrible bimbos, whether they're like that in real life or played that way. However, when it comes to the carnage, it's actually pretty good and you get the gore you expect from a slasher. In the end, that's the only thing that ultimately lifts the film.


It Happened to Jane (1959) 

English It Happened to Jane is a classic positive film, where it seems that a young woman is unable to defeat a juggernaut railroad tycoon, but you know the entire time that this is the film world and that it is in fact possible, even if it is very hard to believe. Also, Jack Lemmon is so good that you believe him even during that insanely moralizing speech.


Australia Day (2017) 

English This film has the makings of a pretty good thriller, with an almost Nordic atmosphere and pace, but in the end it turns out to be a would-be overwrought spectacle, with a few too many characters whose intertwining is quite simple in places, and in others the filmmakers try to make too much of it, even when there isn't much there.


Mucho Dinero (2017) 

English It's all about the money, as this film tries to tell us, and it's probably quite right. But films are also about the story, and this one certainly doesn't shine, though admittedly it's kind of nice to see that it has some of those B-movie stars whom you might like and don’t mind seeing again every now and then in films.


He Knows You're Alone (1980) 

English He Knows You're Alone lacks something to make it truly special. As it is, it's just a carbon copy that tried to be similar to Halloween and other films of the time, but it doesn't have a good enough atmosphere or a strong enough killer, which is probably its biggest flaw. In some of the scenes, I thought that their potential was reprehensibly wasted. One forgettable slasher.


China Moon (1994) 

English This isn’t great. It's quite awkward in terms of the plot and you know how it's going to turn out, even if the film thinks it's screwing with you. However, because of the actors, it's quite entertaining and good to watch, even if some of the screenwriting moves may downright bother you. Plus, it has the right retro touch. How time flies...


Ingrid Goes West (2017) 

English The acting is good, but I can't help the fact that I just didn't enjoy it. Aubrey handles her role well, and Elizabeth is beautiful, but I didn't care for their story, probably because I don't like the story of characters that there is really little to like about. Then there’s the fact that it's presented as a comedy. If it weren't for O'Shea Jackson Jr. even this couldn't be labeled as a comedy.


Chasing Trane: The John Coltrane Documentary (2016) 

English This is another one of those documentaries that I'm glad I saw because it introduced me to an interesting personality. I'm not a fan of jazz music, and I've only heard John Coltrane's name maybe a couple of times in my life without showing any interest in him. Now, thanks to the film, I at least know that he was very important to the music. And that jazz is worth listening to.