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Reviews (10,817)


Avoidance (2013) 

English The past is catching up with us, but this character was caught slowly, gradually. The same goes for the viewer. A short film that is surprisingly long, and the statement being made is indeed interesting, but the way it is presented is rather boring. I'm quite disappointed because a similar topic is quite interesting.


Ghost in the Shell (1995) 

English Legendary Japanese sci-fi, which still deserves attention and doesn't have to be the restored version from 2008. Interesting story, intriguing characters, daring scenes, and excellent ideas that have become almost iconic - see the man typing on the keyboard. A wonderful example of what Japanese sci-fi can look like. However, it didn't manage to affect me that much.


Persepolis (2007) 

English I saw the film for the first time in the year of its premiere. But this is something that is still worth it. Excellent, civil storytelling about what life is like for a single woman in Iran, who cannot find understanding in her homeland, but unfortunately, that does not mean she will find happiness beyond its borders. But at least she has that freedom, if nothing else.


You There? (2013) 

English But yeah, this is quite fun. One gets to know in this way what kind of friends one actually has. And also, that one is actually stupid and that lying all the time doesn't pay off. It's not that funny, but the punchline is quite good, even though it's quite predictable.


V for Vendetta (2005) 

English One of the most fundamental comics that Alan Moore wrote and David Lloyd illustrated has been transformed into a form that certainly won't disappoint. The ideas that Alan Moore had here, although not in their full extent, are captured here and the film clearly delivers the message that the government of the people can take different forms. A political film that is action-packed and yet retains an important idea. The combination of the Wachowski siblings (then brothers) with James McTeigue worked brilliantly. After "Watchmen", the second-best adaptation of Moore's work.


Set No Path (2013) 

English Nice, it plays on emotions quite well, but not very effectively, even though not too pathetically. Life is changing and this is a movie precisely about such a change that not everyone can cope with. There is a part of life when old ties simply break so that new ones can emerge. However, a person is a creature of comfort and not everyone can handle such changes.


You Don't Mess with the Zohan (2008) 

English This is one of my favorite Sandler movies. It's sometimes so crazy that it's not even nice, but I still enjoyed it. This guy has insane ideas and mainly friends who go along with him. Why not, if it works for them. Keep it up. Morality and an attempt to solve the world's problems are Sandler's trademark, but I guess I've come to terms with it.


Dead of the Nite (2013) Boo!

English "Dead of the Nite" is simply another found footage film that doesn't stand out in any way, following the same path as many other films of this kind. This just can't be anymore. Horror directors will still play on the fact that this is a subgenre that makes sense, because it almost costs nothing to make, and that includes the effort it takes to come up with a story. The story can be managed on the fly, essentially. Similarly, the acting usually looks like improvisation.


Human Revolution (2014) 

English Maybe if I had some connection to the game "Deus Ex", it would probably affect me more, but like this, it is just well executed sci-fi for me, which stands out with its technical aspect, but that's pretty much it. The visual aspect is leading and it is worth watching the movie just for that.


Wanted (2008) 

English Timur Bekmambetov just works for me. His approach to action movies is grandiose, there are beautifully over-the-top action scenes that are so exaggerated, it's divine. It resonates with me, and when the whole movie is executed like that, I have no objections. Moreover, "Wanted" is a wonderfully gritty film, and even though it only shares about ten minutes with the source material, as an action movie, it works excellently.