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Reviews (2,801)


Snatch-Up (2018) 

English A lighter version of the recent hit Beasts Clawing at Straws, quite entertaining and definitely not boring, but I prefer a darker and grittier style. Once again, there's a bundle of money around which a group of people revolves: a serial killer, a police officer, gangsters, and a delivery man. It has a good pace, the occasional humor works – the senile serial killer was very good – and the visuals are traditionally fine. As an entertaining one-off, Snatch-up does its job, but to earn a higher rating, it should have some sharper action. Story****, Action***, Humor***, Violence*, Entertainment****, Music***, Visuals****, Atmosphere***, Tension***. 6/10.


Guilt (2014) 

English Niall Shukla’s debut is quite similar to his hit A Doll Distorted. The sound and image take the lead, but for my taste, it is unnecessarily long and not as intense, but Guilt definitely deserves attention. 6/10.


Caught in Time (2020) 

English After a very long time, a solid old-school action film from Hong Kong. A diligent detective tries to track down a gang of six thieves led by the devilish Daniel Wu (who had a very prominent role in Into the Badlands) who have been successfully resisting the police for several years. The first half has a captivating pace, the gang robs one bank after another and ruthlessly shoots people in the process. It is filled with interesting ideas and occasionally there are short but decent shootouts, although there's only one truly remarkable action scene. In the second half, the film focuses more on bread and slightly deviates from the main theme, losing some of its tempo, which is a shame. However, I enjoyed watching the duel between the smart policeman and the smart gang leader, and fortunately, the film delivers a fairly solid fight in the finale, giving Daniel Wu a chance to show off at least once. Hong Kong's best years are behind it, others countries are dominating now (South Korea, Indonesia), but if this is meant to be a comeback, then it's on the right track. Story***, Action****, Humor>No, Violence***, Entertainment****, Music***, Visuals****, Atmosphere****, Tension****. 7/10.


Guard (2019) 

English Yuri Bykov is a decent Russian director and so far I have liked everything from him, but Guard didn't really interest me thematically. The film is more of a drama, which escalates a bit towards the end, but I didn't find it very entertaining. If these story-driven films don't have a captivating story and dialogue, they don't impress me. Story***, Action>No, Humor>No, Violence*, Entertainment***, Music***, Visuals***, Atmosphere***, Tension***. 5/10.


Point of View (2015) 

English A solid 8-minute short from Canada, where an exhausted forensic doctor is pursued by a revived corpse in the morgue. Great unsettling atmosphere, a few jump-scares, excellent make-up effects, and nice visuals. This really worked out. 8/10.


Ròm (2019) 

English Praised abroad (7.1), this is a social drama about the fate of children living on the streets who earn money by selling lottery numbers, where they receive praise for winning and a scolding for losing. Even with a very generous running time of 80 minutes, the film has a rather slow and unexciting pace, nothing interesting happened here for my taste and therefore I cannot give an average rating either. However, anyone interested in the way of life of children in Vietnam and those who like pure drama can be satisfied. Story***, Action>No, Humor>No, Violence>No, Entertainment**, Music***, Visual***, Atmosphere**, Tension*. 4/10.


Voice of Silence (2020) 

English Voice of Silence has an interesting story about two boys working for a criminal organization. Their job is to get rid of dead bodies, but one day they are tasked with taking care of a kidnapped little girl and everything takes an unexpected turn. The actor from the recent zombie flick Alive is mute and although he does dirty work, he has a good heart and there is a strong chemistry between him and the little girl. I liked the twist in the 20th minute, which I found funny and good at the same time, but I'm a bit disappointed that the film is more of a drama and the crime and thriller genres take a back seat. The ending left me a little disappointed, I wished it would turn out differently, but I still have to say that I had unexpectedly good fun. Story****, Action>No, Humor**, Violence*, Entertainment****, Music***, Visuals****, Atmosphere***, Tension**. 6.5/10.


Planet Single 3 (2019) 

English A bit of a mess and definitely the weakest link in the trilogy. A complete departure from the central theme and the humour is also significantly lacking. Agnieszka Wiedlocha is still great to look at, she's a cute actress, and Maciej Stuhr is cool too, but this sequel is a bit pointless and unnecessary.


A Doll Distorted (2018) 

English Excellent fucking psycho stuff, where the director shows a great amount of talent. The sound work, the images, tge creepy atmosphere, and the resolution are all at a very high level. The director might be on something, but his perverse imagination is welcome in horror! 8/10.


The Tunnel (2016) 

English Interesting idea and visuals, but I expected more from André Øvredal. It's a shame that he leaves everything to the viewers' imagination; I was quite curious about what could have happened in the middle of the tunnel. It could have been epic, but the director chose a more modest path, one that doesn't really work for me. 6/10.