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Reviews (2,820)


The Cleansing Hour (2019) 

English The story revolves around young entrepreneurs who have their own nightly stream and broadcast a fake exorcism, but trouble arises when a real demon enters their show and they suddenly can't handle it. The idea is definitely unusual and at least it brings something new to the sub-genre, the make-up effects are okay, the humour works occasionally, there are scares and the film doesn't get downright boring, so it's good for killing time. Fans of exorcisms can add an extra 10%. 50%


Danger Close (2019) 

English Travis Fimmel (Ragnar from Vikings) is commanding 108 inexperienced Australian and New Zealand soldiers against an entire Vietnamese battalion, and it's a decent wartime carnage for the first time in a while. After a brief opening, the action hardly lets off the gas and, although it's not a big production, it looks very good, the characters are likeable and the emotions work too, especially at the end. The only that disappointed me a bit is that they didn't have the courage to add gore, there are none of those raw scenes from Hacksaw Ridge, but still it's an engaging and entertaining piece for war movie fans. 75%


15 Minutes of War (2019) 

English A film based on real events. A bus full of children is hijacked by Somali terrorists just outside the Somali border and a French special unit is sent to the scene to resolve the situation. The first hour is slower and offers a couple of moments we've seen before, but the last half hour breaks down into a solid action-packed carnage full of headshots and some nice sniper shots. Definitely decent and the beautiful Olga Kurylenko is always a delight. 65%


The End of the F***ing World - Season 2 (2019) (season) 

English The follow up to the successful British series is finally here and although the initial Wow effect has slightly disappeared, it is still a tasteful, blackly humorous revenge genre stuff. Alyssa is still properly sassy and her constant "what" still amuses me and the new character with a good motive is decent too. Thanks to the short episodes, the show doesn't slacken in pace and the hotel scene and the pre-finale in the cafe are the biggest highlights of the second season. 80%.


Dolemite Is My Name (2019) 

English I can’t remember the last time I saw Eddie Murphy, so I was curious about his comeback. It’s a decent black biopic based on the 70s blaxploitation star Dolemite. The main character makes his living as a stand up comedian and doesn't do too well at first, but once he hears the funny stories of the local homeless people he adapts them, passes them off as his own and it becomes an unexpected hit and a quest for fame. Wesley Snipes and Keegan-Michael Key are are very good, and Snoop Dog and Chris Rock make cameo appearances in smaller roles. I unexpectedly had fun. 80%.


X - The eXploited (2018) 

English The Hungarians have shown several times in the past that they can make films and this is no exception. A series of suicides starts in Budapest, and only one person claims that they are murders, Móni Balsai, a detective who has been locked in her office for ten years and suffers from severe panic attacks, so nobody believes her. The film moves at a slower pace, but it doesn't get downright boring because Móni is a very smart woman and does a perfect job at crime scenes. If you enjoy crime scene investigations you will be very satisfied. There is also an interesting denouement and a few unexpected plot twists, so definitely a noteworthy affair. 70%


The King (2019) 

English October's Netflix horror extravaganza is over, but I'm also thankful for this historical flick, which it seems Netflix will serve up every year (last year it was Outlaw King, which I liked a little more, but this one is a blast too). We follow the story of young Henry V, who has recently been crowned king after the death of his father and will have to deal with the war he inherited. Brilliantly filmed, fateful, messy, authentic, historically accurate and above all breathtakingly acted. Timothée Chalamet shows a huge amount of talent on screen and I feel he has a rich future (the King's rage speech before the battle gave me goosebumps like nothing I've seen in a long time), but it was also nice to see Joel Edgerton with a perfect strategic plan and Robert Pattinson playing the sleazy French prince brilliantly. The film climaxes with the solid and glorious Battle of Agincourt, which is properly raw and dirty, and the final rather unexpected twist is brilliant. Even though the film has a slower pace, it doesn't get boring at all and is absolutely riveting. 85%


The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos (2019) 

English Son Yong-ho pulls himself up and after his mediocre debut, he delivers a solid action romp with the now classically excellent Ma Dong-seok, who keeps the quality bar high. After prisoner transporter crashes, a special unit is assembled to capture the individual prisoners. The premise is perfect and the film is also fun to watch thanks to its fast pace. The actors are likeable, the action is solid, especially the final half hour in the warehouse is an action inferno the likes of which Korea hasn't pulled off in a while. A nice surprise and satisfaction. 80%.


Doctor Sleep (2019) 

English Doctor Sleep might put you to sleep! Mike Flanagan tries his best, but once again I was not pleased. I find his films terribly uninteresting. This one is a direct sequel to The Shining after 40 years and introduces the main character played by Ewan McGregor (the boy in The Shining) who follows in the footsteps of the True Knot cult who suck the souls out of dead victims. Filmed decently, both Ewan and Rebecca Ferguson, playing the villain, are solid. The music is also good, fans of the first film will be pleased with the many references and the finale is quite intense. But the film is not scary, suspenseful, brutal and certainly not entertaining, I haven't seen such a slow film in the cinema for a long time. I'm personally not a big fan of The Shining either, so this story and mythology doesn't do anything for me and actually doesn't interest me much. I don't want to put it off completely, fans of The Shining will probably enjoy it and IMDB praises it as well, so it's not a dud, more like nothing for me. 55%


Good Boys (2019) 

English This is this year's big hit and a clear Comedy of the Year! After all those teen comedies set in high school comes a tween comedy from elementary school and not only will it take you back 20 years nostalgically, but it will also make you laugh, smile, be touched and maybe even shed a tear at the end. Jacob Tremblay is a already big Hollywood star (13 decent films at 13 years old!). The film has a rather funny story featuring the first porn movie, the first kissing party and the first buying and selling of drugs (the scene in the drug den is one of the highlights). An unexpected hit that I will definitely come back to. 85%