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Reviews (2,543)


The Day After Tomorrow (2004) 

English I'm surprised that I've only seen the film today, which was quite big for its time. Of the actors, I liked Dennis Quaid and the young Jake Gyllenhaal. The disaster scenes are decently gripping and gritty, and the scene with the aggressive wolves is great. I had fun. 80%.


Wind River (2017) 

English Wind River is a very chilling thriller set in Wyoming. Jeremy Renner (who incidentally is slowly turning from action hero to Oscar-winning actor), plays an excellent tracker and hunger who, together with an FBI agent played by Elizabeth Olsen, investigate the death of an Indian girl. Cool setting, Indians, great acting, a decent amount of suspense, heightened emotions and escalating atmosphere culminating in an impressive shootout, which is undoubtedly the best scene of the film. If it wasn't for the slower opening I would have gone even higher with the rating. Anyway, a solid affair from an unusual setting. The final monologue underlines the strength of the whole film. 80%


The Beguiled (2017) 

English I love the acting of both the excellent Nicole Kidman and Colin Farrell, but even the young puppy Elle Fanning has something going for her. I was expecting a more steamy psychological and erotic experience which the last half hour politely encouraged, just a shame they ended it so quickly. It was watchable, but could have been better. 60%


Gerald's Game (2017) 

English I was expecting much more from the Netflix/King/Flanagan combo than a made-for-TV, conversational bore that runs an unnecessarily long 103 minutes, as the premise would be more suited to a short film. On the horror side of things, there is nothing interesting, apart from one scene, otherwise absolutely no suspense or atmosphere and not even the seductive MILF in the lead role can save it. If the book is as boring as the film, I would burn it after 10 pages. Other viewers are satisfied according to the ratings on FilmBooster and IMDB, I had to make myself a double espresso to be able to make it to the end. One star for the lead actress, the other for the hand scene. Quite an ordeal. 40%


Babysitting (2014) 

English A French ride and fun in one. I saw the second part first under a different title and today I learned about the first part, which is also excellent. Philippe Lacheau is a skilled director and actor and all the actors are his friends (they are all together in all his films), which is great I would also love to be part of that group. I like them all, Alice David is hilarious and the situational scenes were amazing. Literally the crazier and daddier Project X. I laughed a lot. 85%


Cult of Chucky (2017) 

English This franchise really has nothing to offer anymore. The technical side is vastly underfunded and the film looks like it fell out of a 90's VHS, same goes for the acting. The atmosphere is nil, a major flaw considering the film takes place in a mental institution, so the only thing worth mentioning is the gore, fairly decently handled with very good practical effects, but it would be much better if we have to wait 70 minutes for things to get going. Chucky's wisecracks are still good, otherwise I don't see much reason to recommend it. It can be survived in one viewing. 50%


Happy Hunting (2017) 

English That was bad. A prime example of how to get the absolute minimum out of an appealing theme. An event where hunters hunt victims somewhere in the desert sounded tempting, but when half the characters die within five minutes in such an uninteresting and unoriginal way, you realise that the potential here will be wasted. The main character is also an unlikeable alcoholic, so no empathy, and all the deaths end with a sniper shooting, so rather uninteresting for horror fans. Unfortunately, the film is also tedious. 35%.


Leatherface (2017) 

English Don´t mess with the Family!! The feeling when you come home from work and the first thing you do is look at what came out today and see a big Leatherface, the smile that comes across your face at a movie you've been waiting a year for is indescribable. I'm very happy that this prequel was given to the duo of Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury, two excellent French butchers who made the gem Inside and two decent horror films: Livid and Among the Living. Leatherface, their best effort after Inside, has a very dirty look right from the start, it really feels like it was made in the 1960s, and I have a huge soft spot for old Texas. The film serves up a hefty dose of honest to goodness gore from start to finish and it's a hell of a lot of fun to watch – nothing more brutal has definitely come out this year. Sex on a corpse or being eaten alive by pigs, you just don't see that kind of stuff. The sheriff who goes by his own rules, the beautiful Lili Taylor, the thick atmosphere with a great soundtrack, well I'm very satisfied. Nexst Leatherface, ghost and demons feel like a children's colouring book. The local hopelessness, the filth and the psychopathic Sawyer family makes the film a very intense experience. The passage through the woods at night, the screams of a woman running away and the sound of a chainsaw is an indescribable atmosphere! Those who can enjoy like this should not hesitate, they will not regret it. The rest will grumble. 80%.


Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) 

English A sequel that keeps the level and instead of a school competition there is an international competition, where the German band Das Sound Machine was insanely good. I had fun. 75%.


Pitch Perfect (2012) 

English Fun pop nonsense with pretty girls. Surprisingly, I had a good time. Anna Kendrick is cute and Rebel Wilson is properly wacky – the fat girls are always the funniest in female comedies. I'd probably be afraid to recommend it, but anyone who likes high-school films and the style of music shouldn't have a problem. 75%.