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Reviews (2,762)


Who Am I - No System Is Safe (2014) 

English An unexpected hit and quite possibly the best film from Germany and the best film related to hacking. A very interesting story supported by intelligent dialogues and solid young actors introduces us to the world of cybercrime in a very brisk and engaging way. The depiction of internet communication is presented in a dark and visually captivating way, the rivalry between the hackers is very competent and there are enjoyable twists and turns throughout, with the final one being a climactic mindfuck and one of the greatest audience fuck-ups I've ever seen. A beautiful trip into the recesses of the Dark Net. 85%


The Girl in the Photographs (2015) 

English The trailer definitely promised more fun. The Girl in the Photographs had a huge potential to become a quality, gritty and bleak horror film, but the director couldn't handle such a big bite properly. The film has solid visuals, a decent soundtrack, two decent psychopaths with very good masks and every time they appear the atmosphere and tension works perfectly, but they are not on the scene too often and the director unfortunately saved the bloody games for the end, which is a pity because the gore scene in the bed is one of the best in recent times. At times boring, drawn out and not very interesting, but I commend certain attributes. 55%


The Piper (2015) 

English The Piper may have made some money in Korean cinemas, but it didn't impress me at all. It's quite nicely made, there are some decent make-up effects in places, but the gore is missing, the atmosphere doesn't really work, it drags. Overall, not much. 35%


The Big Lebowski (1998) 

English I watched this film more out of curiosity, but I’m nicely disappointed. Unlikable main character, no funny scenes, slow pace, uninteresting story, boring dialogues. Pretty much everything is wrong here. 2* for finishing it. Pointless, stupid, silly, worthless, waste-of-time, mind-sucking movie. 30%


Baskin (2015) 

English I have very mixed feelings about one of my most anticipated horror films this year. The trailer unfortunately captivated me too much that the film itself seems lacklustre in places. Nothing of substance happens for 50 minutes and it was only when I entered hell that a smile was put on my face, as the atmosphere is thick as fog accompanied by very snazzy music, beautiful make-up effects and ubiquitous filth. We don't get much gore, which is a shame, but certain scenes are heavenly. A reluctant 65% for the interesting ending and the master of hell, who was such a disgusting wrinkly Turk that I will strongly consider my next visit to a kebab shop.


Battle for Karbala (2015) 

English Quite decent by Polish standards! Of course if I compare it with 13 Hours, Karbala would fail in every aspect, the action is not very exciting, it is strangely scored and the blood is scarce, but the technical side is at least a nice standard and the psychology between the characters somehow also works although I didn't form any relationship with the soldiers. 60%.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) 

English The long awaited duel of great super heroes has received very mixed reactions from the audiences, and even with me, there is no pure satisfaction, but the positives outweigh the negatives. I liked Hans Zimmer's soundtrack, the totally wacky and crazy Jesse Eisenberg, whom I could imagine as the Joker, the serious Ben Affleck, who performs surprisingly well and has a perfectly dark voice, Wonder Woman's seductive entrance on the scene, decent pacing and the action is solid, unless you count the CGI madness in the finale, that was too much even for me. The story doesn't dazzle too much, there is only one albeit very good twist, but that's something I kind of expect in a blockbuster, rather there are unnecessary mistakes in terms of character behaviour. Batman and Superman hate each other for two hours and within seconds they are best friends – I was waiting to see who would invite who first for a beer. Unfortunately there are more of these issues, so it's more up to the viewer how relevant this fact is to you and whether you can get past it. There's absolutely no comparison with The Dark Knight, but I don't regret the money, the film goes by quickly, I had fun and when you rise above the logical kinks, it's a dark enjoyable popcorn movie. 75%


Point Break (2015) 

English Surprisingly good adrenaline-packed stuff. Point Break is weaker in story and acting, but it offers enough exciting action to keep your attention and even surprise you at times. Just under a fourth star, but it's far from a dud. 65%.


The Brothers Grimsby (2016) 

English Surprise of the year! Grimsby is as essential and groundbreaking for the comedy genre as I Spit On Your Grave was for exploitation. The biggest comedy hit since Shut Up! Sacha Baron Cohen goes bonkers here and delivers the best comedic and situational humor of his career. There is an incredible amount of allusions to movies, actors and celebrities, and snappy gags at intervals of every five minutes, and scenes that will leave a strange aftertaste in your mouth. The best thing in the the film is the action, which is so good that it surpasses even some action films (it's brisk, brutal, gritty and original, though furiously edited, it has drive). The icing on the cake are Scott Adkins' fight with Borat, the elephant bukkake party and the testicle sucking. I feel like watching it again. Awesome stuff. 100%


The 5th Wave (2016) 

English This is a clear example of how a potentially interesting premise can turn out to be a disaster and not even the sweet Chloë Grace Moretz can help. The five waves are summed up in five minutes, which I consider to be the biggest flaw. if the film had devoted twenty minutes to each phase, it would have been spectacular destruction, this way it doesn't ooze tension, adrenaline or power, and yet the view of the flooded Tower Bridge looked beautiful. Sadly it's not very entertaining either, the CGI is mostly rubbish, the action is mediocre and there’s no not much of it, it’s beaten by the teen romance. It's bad... 25%