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Reviews (3,807)


Hibernatus (1969) 

English Louis de Funes has been one of my favorite actors since childhood and I usually watch his films with a considerable amount of nostalgia. Hibernatus is one of the comedies that arrived much later when I had already shifted my perspective as a viewer and became somewhat tired of Funes' acting, which is based on a single type of hot-tempered choleric persona (although perfected over the years). Within the genre and considering when it was made, it may have been a decent film, but time cannot be stopped and it cannot be ignored that the film practically relies on a single idea... If I want to see a film about hibernation, I would rather choose Sexmission. Overall impression 45%.


Secret Window (2004) 

English A decent adaptation of Stephen King's literary work, anchored by Johnny Depp's excellent acting. While it doesn't rank among the top in the genre due to its average script, it still earns a solid 70% overall impression from me. The twist is predictable, but the film manages to maintain its atmosphere almost until the very end, and several scenes have that distinctive King charm.


Císař a tambor (1998) 

English This film, at the time of its release, went through distribution without much attention, and tellingly, out of nearly two hundred reviewers to date, no one found it worth a few lines of commentary. The basic problem is the film's ordinariness and inconspicuousness, which stems from an average, underdeveloped script. It's not an outright bad film, Ondřej Vetchý still has charisma even in this role, but it's simply a one-time watch that you won't remember the next day. Overall impression: 50% - mainly thanks to the well-composed music with Baroque motifs.


Plan B (2001) 

English The fundamental blunder of the film is its weak script, compounded by Diane Keaton's overacting and unremarkable direction, and there you have it - a recipe for disaster. This pseudo-comedy is a complete miss... Unfortunately, the film isn't bad enough to elicit unintentional laughter, yet it's not good enough to intentionally entertain. Overall impression: 25%.


My Sweet Little Village (1985) 

English Honestly speaking, I never quite understood the cult around this film in the Czech Republic. Even upon first watching it in the movie theater, I classified it as above average and since then, I haven't found a reason to change that assessment. The film scores points by having a decent cast, which has always been Jiří Menzel's strong suit. Few films can boast such a stellar ensemble of actors. The character of the country doctor played by Rudolf Hrušínský is well-written and well-acted, and this was where Marián Labuda got a significant film role for the first time. However, from a script perspective - which I consider decisive for a film - it's nothing special. I value at least four other films by Jiří Menzel more, and in the context of Czech cinema as a whole, My Sweet Little Village doesn't even belong at the top. A weak four stars and an overall impression of 70%, considering the cast.


Dva na koni, jeden na oslu (1986) 

English One of Jiří Sequens' average films, based on the play of the same name. Decent casting and corresponding performances, especially from the male members of the cast. Several scenes are genuinely good, the dance choreography is decent, and the songs are enjoyable. However, the overall tone feels awkward and cold. It's simply filmed without personal enthusiasm. Overall impression: 50%.


Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea (1977) 

English One of the most original Czech films and also a successful comedy, utilizing time travel paradox elements long before the Back to the Future trilogy. Great actors (it's hard to single out anyone because even the smallest roles were filled by top-notch actors like Marie Rosůlková and Otto Šimánek in the roles of American tourists). However, Petr Kostka simply shines in his dual role of identical twins. Perhaps only the resemblance of Hitler and his suits could have been closer to the originals. I dare to say that if something similar had been made in a major American studio, it would have made a significant mark in film history. Overall impression: 85%.


The Cuckoo (2002) 

English A black slapstick on the absurdities of World War II. A Finnish deserter - a university-educated intellectual - and an uneducated Soviet soldier facing a military tribunal due to Stalinist purges, manage to escape certain death and meet in a hut belonging to a young Lapland woman whose husband disappeared in the chaos of war. They don't understand each other a bit; the only thing connecting them is the desire to live. High-quality performances, especially from Ville Haapasalo, who seems to belong to Rogozhkin's world organically. An intriguing, intelligent script about events and places that have so far escaped filmmakers' attention. Quality direction, and only the overly idyllic ending spoils the overall impression. Overall, it deserves 90%.


Královská hra (1980) (TV movie) 

English An exceptionally strong premise based on a gripping literary source - a suspenseful clash of polarized characters and value systems over a chessboard. Top performances by Rudolf Hrušínský and Luděk Munzar, in the lead roles - it's entirely possible to say that the casting, alongside the premise, is the main reason for the five-star rating, as the script could have extracted much more from the material and could have played more with the characters and dialogues of the supporting roles. Overall impression: 90%.


The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 

English Essentially an unassuming film, which upon its release had below-average attendance, and only survived box office failure due to its Oscar nomination. For me, it's one of the best films ever made and undoubtedly the best adaptation of a Stephen King literary work. Excellent performances and casting, wonderfully crafted atmosphere, and plot progression. Besides the actors, the prison environment itself contributes significantly to the impactful experience, with the film crew having to search extensively for the right location. A beautiful story about human hope and an incredibly strong character. I have practically nothing to criticize, so my overall impression is 100%.