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Reviews (1,296)


Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1997) 

English A gleeful copy of everything that was cool back then in the East. Gangsters, male bonding, rock soundtracks à la Tarantino, copying Western formal practices, and the sheer license to make fun of everything, no matter what the level of fun it happens to be. Some of the stuff from that era still feels fresh, some you're glad it's gone.


Capone (2020) 

English I don't envy Trank. After becoming one of the few filmmakers who proved incapable of letting the studio collar him, and despite getting the money for his challenging auteur project, he was forced to finally send it to the living rooms of apathetic VOD viewers who only care about the star in the lead role and tagging the film a gangster flick. Capone, on the other hand, is far closer to Sokurov's Taurus (a once prominent, strong persona irreversibly withers in mind, body, and influence while being manipulated by those around him) or Zeller's The Father (a subjective depiction of the protagonist's damaged mind). While Trank's direction isn't anything particularly distinctive, and Hardy already pushes the role imo unnecessarily beyond the point of funny grotesqueness, I think in an era of overblown egos and ambition, the reminder is quite apt that the more convinced of ourselves we are during our lives, the more pitiful a caricature of ourselves we become in the end. Plus, it teeters on the edge of sympathizing with an utter monster, which always earns points.


The Great Movie Robbery (1986) 

English A prime example of the unhinged and tedious nature of the variety show comedy of normalization. Plus the slimy Czech back-patting, ugh. Some might be surprised to learn that this is a precursor to the currently popular films based on pop culture references.


Midnight Cowboy (1969) 

English An increasingly interesting in today’s terms (and, from my point of view, far dreamier) look at the New York streets of the late 60s and early 70s as a melting pot of ethnicities, subcultures, and social classes. It's the realistically unembellished depiction of the lower castes of a vibrant big city that is the most interesting element of the film. Then Jon Voight himself had such a terrifying effect on me that I watched most of it with bulging eyes and my comforter pulled up under my nose. I’ve seen puppets that looked more human than he did.


The Captain (2017) 

English I somehow fail to understand how Schwentke managed to kick himself into such radical darkness after all those wearily unremarkable pieces of Hollywood trash. Contrary to expectations, The Captain is not an ironic satire of a broken society or a classic "undercover agent" thriller, but a relentless and at times surreal study of role acceptance and the destructive consequences of folk hierarchies. The implication that the rattling bureaucratic machinery of Nazism was still a better option than the people's courts, which could operate more efficiently but with all the more horrific results under that ideology, goes very much against the current trend of emphasizing natural human intelligence and the values of individualism in the face of unjust evil systems. At the same time, it relies on excellent compositions and high-contrast black-and-white cinematography (the darker the room, the more of the film you can see) to push the film towards the uncomfortable feeling familiar from incomprehensible horror films or nightmares. "You've all been promoted. Take your new uniforms from the dead and fall in line."


Licorice Pizza (2021) 

English Another one of Anderson's films telling the story of complicated characters to whom he adapts his optics of perception. If you’re not already capable of developing the empathy needed for the film (even beyond your sympathies), you will absolutely not understand what he is asking you to do and will probably find the film maddeningly irritating. But fortunately for you, there are those other films.


Ambulance (2022) 

English All you have is a skeleton crew and a script pulled out of your ass. Who you gonna call? Michael Bay! Ambulance is a film that was made out of Bay's simple need above all to do something at a time when there was nothing to do, and the way the film was made in spite of that can often be so painfully seen that it comes across as a bit guerrilla. Especially during the shootout at the bank, you see crew members or security guards guarding the set in almost every other shot. At the same time, the script gives the impression that it was written on the spot, and anyone who has seen a single movie about paramedics and cops and robbers and is also fixated on realism and logic will die inside a bit here, because everything here sort of lands well on the first try and moves on without a second thought. Combined with the pacing of the film, it all feels spontaneous, like little boys playing cops and robbers in the backyard, creating subplots on the fly without thinking about their purpose to the story thus far, just so they can get back to riding and shooting. For me that's a perfectly fine way to make an action movie, and when the only director on the set who's been yelling into a megaphone enters the picture, we're in for a boogaloo, with drones and cars racing each other and all the sparkling, banging, dusting, blurring, and backlighting, where the important thing is not what exploded, but that it exploded. No one puts the camera down as much as Bay, few people today understand how much an action movie relates to the environment in which it takes place. And you all surely must be looking at it wrong, so pop open a beer, stick a smoke in the corner of your mouth, feet (in shoes) on the table, and give it another go! I want this place red by the end of the week, you hayseeds.


Hearty Greetings from the Globe (1982) 

English At first it seems like the sort of insufferable folk satire that looks with an ironic sneer at our simple human endeavors, which is always a totally unbearable practice. Fortunately, thanks to censor interference in the second half, the film devolves into a deliciously Dadaist jumble of exaggerated situations and confused performances by characters and actors alike. This brings it close to the benchmarks of Czechoslovak Dadaist sci-fi, The Flying Saucers Over Velky Malikov City or The Monster from the Arcana Galaxy, its main problem being that it doesn't rise to their level of feverishness.


Hit the Road (2021) 

English Sort of an Iranian Little Miss Sunshine. For some time a dysfunctional family is nearing a moment of great parting, but is no longer able to communicate with each other at all. First-rate yet economical cinematography, superbly written and acted characters (especially the sage and selfish father who continually fakes his way out of any responsibility), and perhaps the first Iranian film I've noticed that has humor in it. If it didn't have those tendencies to press the poetic key too hard (figuratively and realistically), I'd bump the rating up a notch. Considering that I've been using Persian films as a pejorative epithet for academic tedium, this is actually a big thrill.


Larks on a String (1969) 

English "So get married!" A perfect illustration of my (un)favorite theory that true freedom exists only in rejection. "So don't get married!"