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Reviews (1,712)


The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash (2024) (series) 

English What a delightful surprise! This series turned out to be incredibly likable from start to finish. Even the trailers caught my attention, especially with what seemed like top-notch animation. However, I couldn't help but worry that it might try to emotionally drain me with the main character's tragic past, as the trailers heavily hinted. To my relief, the first few episodes set a relatively pleasant tone. The reveal about the heroine's past came, if I recall correctly, around the third episode. And you know what? It was presented in a way that I found okay. There was no forced attempt to make me pity Ivy for her hardships. Instead, I found myself rooting for her because of how she bravely overcame those challenges. She's a character who walks forward in a genuinely likable way. This "weakest tamer" managed to impress me in many other aspects as well. I particularly appreciated how the isekai aspect was incorporated here — it felt fresh and original. The whole journey was a joy, from the various stops to the depiction of society and the detailed cities. Everything felt believable, like the child kidnapper organization being portrayed not just as a couple of individuals but as a well-structured group. The cast of characters was another highlight for me. Despite the complexities of the world and the presence of villains, there were still plenty of good-hearted individuals. Even those who made mistakes had the chance to redeem themselves at the right moment. Instead of the expected somber tone promised by most trailers, I got the opposite — a series that left me in a good mood, filled with hope and smiles. It was one of the most pleasant experiences of the entire winter season, despite touching on some serious themes. And the animation? It was downright beautiful. The gorgeously colorful palette used throughout, especially in the visually stunning opening, was a feast for the eyes. Coupled with a pleasant drawing style and excellent music, it all came together for a strong 4 stars from me. I'm truly hoping for another season. 8.3/10


Gushing Over Magical Girls (2024) (series) 

English Gushing Over Magical Girls has been the talk of the town this season, splitting the anime community into two distinct camps. On one side, you have those who find the series repulsive — its overt explicitness combined with the young age of most of the girls here leaves a sour taste, harvesting more contempt than praise. Parents wouldn't trust their kids with these fans. Then there's the other side — the ones unfazed by the explicitness, seeing the characters as just animated figures, and even some who actively seek out such content. Some dub themselves men of culture, others coomers," and yes, there are likely a few pedobears in this mix. But is the series really just about these two extremes? Does your view of the show hinge solely on how you appreciate animated erotica and where you draw the line? To some extent, yes, we can't ignore this aspect, so everyone can place themselves on that spectrum. But life isn't just black and white... For instance, at my age, I've been gravitating towards the MILF category in adult videos for a while now. Yet, in my youth, I watched my fair share of anime, so this series doesn't particularly shock or excite me. Though it's true that some scenes went a tad further than I needed. Scenes like the sexualized diaper exchange or the bizarre family play, the final "fun" with an octopus, or any kind of tentacles are simply not my cup of tea. So why watch if the series' focal point, this "fan service," doesn't resonate with me? Partly out of curiosity, but mainly because beneath all the erotica, this series has an intriguing concept, well-drawn character psychology, and many situations felt refreshingly original and unexpectedly fun. We've seen stories from the villain's perspective, and there's probably a story about villains in the mahou shoujo universe. But blending this viewpoint with themes of self-discovery and sexuality is a fresh take. Surprisingly, it all fits together logically and works decently. I found myself understanding the characters, their quirks, and fetishes — nothing here happens without reason. Even the odder scenes, like the diaper exchange, have their justifications, reflecting the psychological state of characters like little Korisa, who clearly lacks a stable family. Everything the main heroine, Utena, does, is based on her understanding of the magical girls, as well as the dichotomy of good and evil. She doesn't want to see them suffer but believes they can overcome trials with unwavering character. Her journey to understand her heroines reveals sides not easily seen by others. Kiwi's obsession with Utena stems from a desire for attention, as Utena was the first to truly notice her. I could go on analyzing each character, but in short, the series excels in depicting their psyches and isn't overly complicated. What does the series offer? Insights like the thin line between admiration and obsession or the fact that depravity isn't always obvious — no one has "damaged" written on their forehead. So, despite not being one to revel in eroticism, I couldn't dismiss this series entirely. It had something that kept me watching till the end. If you don't have all your blood rushing to your genitals while watching, and your brain is functioning normally, and you're not blinded by anger either, the series offers food for thought. Its originality, how it breaks the magical girl mold, and what it's willing to show came off as entertaining and fresh. When I factor in the excellent performance (her first major role) of Fuuka Izumi as Utena, giving the character a wide range of emotions and expressions with her voice, I'll give it a 6/10 despite my significant reservations.


Classroom of the Elite - Season 3 (2024) (season) 

English If you were a fan of the previous seasons like I was, this one won't disappoint. The school intrigues continue, with our main hero facing even more formidable enemies. Some have been vanquished, but their influence lingers, especially since the school year ended and a whole class graduated (though I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of some characters). It's still like watching a strategic game of chess; the series maintains its intelligence and believability, keeping me hooked to see what unfolds next. The mystery of the white room gets a bit more clarity, side characters undergo interesting developments, and others surprise us with their true nature. The ending left me amused and slightly puzzled, unsure if it's genuine romance or just another social experiment by the main character. I'm particularly curious about the direction this will all take. For me, the third season earns a solid 8/10.


Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp (2024) (series) 

English Isekai and time travel themes (regression) are all the rage in anime lately, but this series' blend of the two left me more puzzled than intrigued. Despite my immense respect for doctors, especially surgeons,  Doctor Elise just didn't quite grab me. At times, it felt like a medical mystery à la House M.D., with the creators unafraid to dive into surgical scenes. It's clear the original authors have a solid grasp of medical knowledge. However, even with all this, the series failed to fully capture my interest, especially in a season where a similar girl also used past-life knowledge in the seventh time loop, and also dabbled in romance with a prince, and waded into the intrigues of the local nobility. Unlike Elise, this other series had more oomph, looked visually stunning, and its characters were more endearing to me. I just couldn't help comparing the two (perhaps unfairly to some, but it made sense to me). While Gekai Elise is a decent series, it doesn't quite hit the 4-star mark for me. 6.3/10


Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki - 2nd Stage (2024) (season) 

English I really appreciate how this series takes the chaos of high school life and puts it into relatable video game terms. It's like a guidebook for the socially awkward, offering up tips and tricks that could genuinely work. Most of what the series presents feels believable to me, and that's part of what makes it so enjoyable. The first half of the second season, with its focus on bullying, was particularly captivating. The solution to the problem, centered around gradually shifting the overall atmosphere within the class, felt genuine and likable. It was an engaging and satisfying arc. Moving into the second half, where the main hero finally chooses his girlfriend, I found myself somewhat conflicted. My main issue lies in the portrayal of rational thinking in matters of romance and emotions. Love doesn't always follow a logical path, and while there were some good pieces of advice sprinkled in, I struggled to fully buy into the portrayal of romance as so calculated and drama-free. This second half felt a bit off to me. Even though everything tied up relatively neatly, and the winning girl made sense to me as a girlfriend for the main hero, as a romance, it just didn't feel as heartfelt as I hoped, though that might be more reflective of my own romanticized notions. Despite this, my overall impression of the second season remains positive. It's an above-average series with plenty to offer, and I wouldn't rate it any lower than 7/10.


Villainess Level 99 (2024) (series) 

English Seriously, whoever created those 3DCG monster models needs a lifetime ban from working on a computer. The dragon, the skeletons... it's the kind of terrible that should never be allowed in anime. Now that I've got that off my chest, let's dive in. The story was enjoyable, though not exactly groundbreaking. The first episode had a neat twist, but after that, it felt rushed at times. The resolution of the main heroine's romance, for example, seemed to happen out of nowhere, which felt unnatural. The ending didn't leave me with any great sense of satisfaction either. I did like the main heroine, though. She reminded me of a slightly smarter version of Mashle in a skirt. The narrative style from her perspective, with those internal dialogues, made her more interesting and likable to me. Of the other characters, Patrick stood out. This was largely because the three men around  Alicia — princemagiciansoldier — seemed so poorly written in comparison. They were so bad they brought to mind The Rising of the Shield Hero, where the protagonist's charisma stands out because the other heroes are insufferable and dumb. With that kind of "material" here, Patrick really shined. As for the humor, I chuckled occasionally, though sometimes it was a bit hit or miss. At least there weren't any moments where a joke felt outright stupid or cringey. In the end, it's a pretty decent series, but it has some glaring flaws in terms of pace, animation, and characters. It entertained me more than it bored or annoyed me, but I can't give it more than a 5.5/10.


Synduality: Noir (2023) (series) 

English This take on the 'robot friend' trope left me in a bit of a mixed bag. The storyline isn't exactly groundbreaking; it had me yawning in the first half, but things took a turn for the better in the latter half. The authors managed to squeeze out what little there was to offer, and surprisingly, it worked. The animation and music were right up my alley. Even the use of 3DCG for the large robots and monstrous Enders didn't bother me much; while it wasn't as charming as traditional animation, it didn't detract from the experience. As for the characters – Mystere hit the nail on the head - Kanata is essentially a hack, gradually turning into a lesser hack. Noir is a dud, an adorable robotic puppy that eventually starts to show some personality. Then we have Ellie, Kanata's die-hard fan, who thankfully realizes that it's not enough to build a personality around. The singing doll Ciel, with her secret mission, discovers she wants to be more than just a doll on a mission. And let's not forget the few mysterious characters (the man with a black mask, and the man with a white mask), who turn out to be not-so-mysterious after all. And a very cliché villain who didn't really throw anything unexpected my way. Overall, the first half lands at a solid 6/10, while the second half edges up to a 7/10, giving us a rounded 6.5/10, a weak 4 stars for me.


High Card - Season 2 (2024) (season) 

English I'll be honest, I had higher hopes for this one. After the first season, I envisioned a more captivating story, a more thrilling spectacle than what I got. While there were some twists that pleasantly surprised me, the overarching connection with the past, the black knight, and the joker didn't quite leave the impact I was hoping for. The season has ended (though a special episode has been announced), and I'm afraid it's just a six for me. 6/10


Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! (2024) (series) 

English Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! and they might have their charm for some, but for me, the show fell flat and landed squarely in average territory. The heroines are decent enough, but the main hero mostly comes off as pathetic, almost annoyingly so. He's just a dull goody-goody, and his rizz comes solely from him being from Tokyo! Frankly, I don't see the appeal. But it wasn't just Cubasa who rubbed me the wrong way here. Let's not forget his grandma, who can cure indecent thoughts with a traditional tea ceremony and is a classic example of conservative (almost fossilized) thinking. Living with her? No thanks. But it's because I actually have a personality, unlike Cubasa. On top of that, the story is packed with clichés, blushing, and the main hero's panicked outbursts. It's all been done before, nothing groundbreaking here. So as I said, I get that the series might have good ratings because, sure, Hokkaido gals are cute. But with everything else into the mix, it's not worth more than a 5/10 for me.


The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil (2024) (series) 

English The romantic tension and chemistry between the characters felt genuine, and I found myself rooting for them. Some jokes genuinely made me laugh out loud. However, despite these positives, the series didn't leave a strong impression on me. Perhaps it's because the humor occasionally veered into silliness. The main heroine had her cute moments, but she didn't quite win my heart. As for the devil, he was decent, but nothing particularly memorable. While there were some interesting ideas and plot twists, a significant portion of the series fell flat for me, like the subplot with the boxers. Overall, The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil is a decent series with its moments, but it didn't convince me that I need to see more. 5.7/10