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Reviews (1,695)


Solo Leveling - Season 1 (2024) (season) 

English With all the buzz surrounding Solo Leveling before its release, I admit I expected a bit more. Initially, I couldn't quite see what all the hype was about. The whole premise of gates from another dimension opening into our world felt like a cliché, and the first few episodes seemed like a generic edgefest with the most obvious cliffhanger. The protagonist gaining abilities that make everyday life like a video game didn't really grab me either, and the nurses watching his gradual transformation were about as interesting as watching paint dry. Even in terms of animation, I wasn't hyped up at first. I'd seen screenshots from the manhwa and comparisons to the anime adaptation, and my initial impression? The anime didn't quite convince me. The fights started catching my interest around the battle with the giant snake, and the story really picked up when it delved into the gray areas of these portals to another world — what could happen in them and who you need to watch out for. While I still wasn't too keen on the video game mechanics, I saw them as an easy way to track the hero's progress for the viewer. The animation gradually improved; by the second half, it was really something to watch, and I enjoyed many of the battles. However, comparing A-1 Pictures' work here to MAPPA's on the second season of Jujutsu Kaisen, which I consider the gold standard of anime action, what A-1 Pictures delivered here is solidly A-tier — it could have been better. What also didn't quite click for me were the characters. The main protagonist is cool, and I enjoy following him, but he's pretty much the only character I feel like I know anything substantial about. With most of the other side characters, I know roughly who they are, but after twelve episodes, I still have minimal insight into their personalities. Summing it up, this series gradually won me over. It hasn't reached the level of hype for me yet, but as a decent introduction, it worked relatively well, and it really got going in the second half. I'm interested in seeing more, expecting more, and hopefully, the second season won't disappoint. For now, Season 1 gets a 7.4/10 from me.


Tales of Wedding Rings - Season 1 (2024) (season) 

English What happens when a boy (maybe) gets Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings mixed in with a stack of generic manga comics? Well, it might just inspire him to write a fairly average, run-of-the-mill manga where the main quest involves collecting rings and, perhaps some wives as well. But since it's all just ecchi, we will never get to see the wedding night, at least not in the first season. In this story, the main antagonist isn't some dark king, but rather the protagonist's own shyness and a series of cockblocks who always seem to show up at the worst times. It got me thinking about why I was never a huge fan of classic ecchi; the erotica and nudity which never seem to go anywhere feel just pointless to me. At least the series steers clear of excessive bloodshed and there's no censorship in the form of a divine light. The main character isn't a total dork, and even the girls aren't entirely pathetic. While the plot can feel a bit repetitive at times, akin to Ash collecting Pokémon, it didn't completely turn me off. Still, as I reflect on whether I'd dive into a second season at this moment, I'm not entirely sure. For now, I'll settle on a slightly below-average rating of 4.7/10 for the first season.


The Dangers in My Heart - Season 2 (2024) (season) 

English I had high hopes going in, but The Dangers in My Heart surpassed all expectations. The final episode was nothing short of brilliant, earning a solid 10/10 from me. The way the two main characters bared their hearts, revealing why they fell in love, felt so genuine and beautifully fitting with everything we've seen throughout not just this season, but the entire series. From the very first season, the show had me hooked. It delved into the gradual transformation of two vastly different personalities finding their way to each other. The second season brilliantly builds upon this foundation, deepening their relationship, throwing new obstacles in their path, and culminating in a breathtaking finale. What stood out the most for me? Perhaps it was how the main character, despite his insecurities and fears, ultimately grasped what needed to be done at a crucial moment, revealing a surprising maturity. On the other hand, the main female character, often seeming confident but struggling with her own uncertainties, felt incredibly relatable. The series beautifully portrays the conflicts of adolescence — the clash between the weight of adulthood's responsibilities and the carefree naivety of childhood. It's a delicate balance that's masterfully executed, making everything the characters do feel utterly believable. Moments like Ichikawa's confrontation with his past self are some of the series' most powerful. Both main characters are exceptionally well-written, with their own strengths and weaknesses. Watching them grow, both individually and in their relationship, is what kept me rooting for them throughout. Sure, it gets cringy and awkward at times, but that's part of the charm — reminiscent of those first romances we've all experienced. The animation is top-notch, complemented by an even better musical score. In short, I was thoroughly enthralled by the show. I hope for more episodes because this feels like just the beginning of a relationship that promises to be as intriguing as the journey to it. 9.5/10


The Demon Prince of Momochi House (2024) (series) 

English The biggest issue I have with this series is that, frankly, it falls short compared to gems like Kamisama Kiss or Fruits Basket. While it shares a similar concept of a young girl encountering the supernatural (here, represented by a cast of handsome boys), it just doesn't hit the mark for me. The main heroine felt rather generic and uninteresting, and unfortunately, the same can be said for all the heroes. Why should I invest in the romantic endeavors of characters who fail to captivate me? Adding to this, I couldn't find any deeper mystery or even a small twist in the story that would pique my interest for what comes next. The chemistry between the main couple also fell flat, which is a significant drawback. Animation-wise, it's just average. Now, I don't want to completely write off the series. It's not that anything specific annoyed me; it's more that I didn't find myself truly engaging with any aspect. Perhaps this series isn't primarily aimed at my demographic, even though I can appreciate a good shoujo. Unfortunately, this one didn't meet my expectations. I'm calling it a drop after 3 episodes and a 3.5/10.


The Fire Hunter - Season 2 (2024) (season) 

English The second season of Hikari no ó might be a spectacular culmination of a brilliant story for some, but for me, it just didn't hit the mark. The characters keep going somewhere, endlessly babbling about nothing, with gods constantly flying around... I was expecting big things, a massive attack on the city where our heroes were, but it happened completely off-screen and we only saw a total of two attackers throughout the entire season! The main character spends a significant portion of the story dealing with the fact that he killed almost all of his enemies off-screen, building drama around something I didn't even see! Add to that the insane yapfest about the local gods, how humans have destroyed and continue to destroy the Earth, constant walking back and forth with no real outcome, often for very weird reasons, plenty of confrontations full of poorly animated fights interspersed with beautiful yet atmosphere-shattering artsy shots. Everything felt so empty and bland, full of pseudo-important dialogue that made me feel like I was reading another Genshin side plot. At least the finale was relatively satisfying, everything tied up nicely. Visually, this season is just as unique as the first one, with a style straight out of the 80s, maybe 90s, the visual storytelling form is very distinct, sometimes almost cinematic, other times literally comic-like, with approaches focusing on various details and characters, occasionally complemented by gorgeous artistic shots that I'd happily frame and put on my wall - a strange mishmash that I often liked, except when anything was in motion, especially in fights, which looked like they were animated and edited by a complete amateur. For how intrigued I was by the series, how I actually quite enjoyed it in the first season and was curious about what's to come, the second half literally bored me. What I wanted to see and what interested me mostly happened off-screen, or there was too much talking going on, so I often lost concentration and couldn't even explain exactly what happened, I just have a basic idea. Simply put, this didn't entertain me; the only thing I slightly enjoyed was the form, but the content was often mind-numbing. What a shame, if there was more showing and less talking, if Mamoru thought a bit about a realistic scenario and direction instead of just writing dialogues, this series might have appealed to more than just art enthusiasts and pseudo-intellectuals who might find the meaning of life, the universe, and everything in it. For me, it's a bored and disappointed 3.5/10.


The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil (2024) (series) 

English The romantic tension and chemistry between the characters felt genuine, and I found myself rooting for them. Some jokes genuinely made me laugh out loud. However, despite these positives, the series didn't leave a strong impression on me. Perhaps it's because the humor occasionally veered into silliness. The main heroine had her cute moments, but she didn't quite win my heart. As for the devil, he was decent, but nothing particularly memorable. While there were some interesting ideas and plot twists, a significant portion of the series fell flat for me, like the subplot with the boxers. Overall, The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil is a decent series with its moments, but it didn't convince me that I need to see more. 5.7/10


The Grimm Variations (2024) (series) 

English Diving into this modern take on classic Brothers Grimm tales, you're greeted with a visually polished presentation and a solid musical score. With six diverse stories at play, each one twists and turns familiar narratives, sometimes staying true to the original essence while other times flipping established roles on their heads. It's a mixed bag where certain parts shine brighter than others. Personal preferences vary; while I probably liked Little Red Riding Hood the most and Hansel and Gretel the least, you might find yourself drawn to entirely different tales. The series offers a successful blend of creativity, delivering original and sometimes eerie interpretations. There's a medley of themes explored, drawing from both the original fairy tales and entirely new narratives. Yet, amidst this inventive mix, there's a lack of standout moments that truly linger in memory. While it's an intriguing showcase of what's possible with the Grimm Brothers' legacy, it falls short of becoming a staple in my viewing repertoire. Still, if more episodes were to emerge, I'd be willing to give them a chance. For now, it's a commendable effort but doesn't quite surpass the timeless classics. 6.9/10


The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids (2024) (series) 

English Generic fantasy just about sums up my thoughts on this anime. It had a few elements that caught my attention, like homunculi and mana possession, but then others just seemed like utter nonsense to me such as the dungeon management and the gacha system for monsters. I'll admit, I found some enjoyment in the first and last few episodes, but the middle sections left me feeling indifferent. The main hero had his moments, but he's not exactly a character that'll stick in my memory for long. And the rest of the cast? Well, they were just kind of ordinary and unremarkable. As for the battles, there wasn't much to write home about. I will say I'm thankful that the damage indicator numbers didn't overwhelm the screen constantly, like in some Asian video games. It could have been much worse. Overall, this anime feels like a bland, unimpressive average to me. I doubt I'll remember much about it in a week. 4.9/10


The Unwanted Undead Adventurer (2024) (series) 

English The tale of Rentt Faina, to put it simply, falls under the category of "okay but not great". I do appreciate the storytelling style it employs, gradually unfolding the narrative while showcasing the evolution of the main character and shedding light on the workings of the local hero association. Everything seems to flow naturally and logically, with the protagonist undergoing slow but understandable changes, rooted in clear motivations. This anime isn't bad by any means, and the only aspect that didn't quite resonate with me was the opening, although that's easily skippable. However, the series failed to fully captivate me; it kept my interest on a surface level. Despite presenting several relatively intriguing storylines, it didn't quite sell them to me in a way that left me yearning for more or contemplating them afterward. Similarly, my connection to the main character and most supporting characters remained superficial — they were, as I mentioned, "okay but not great" in my book. Reflecting on what the series lacked, perhaps more action or emotionally resonant storylines could have made a difference. I wished for something more, something that would evoke a deeper emotional response, beyond what I felt during the finale... Unfortunately, that depth was missing for me this time. It's also worth noting that I inevitably compared it a bit to a certain fantasy series, which aired this season on Fridays. This might have influenced my perspective. So, in the end, I'll settle on "only" 6/10.


The Way of Pon (2024) (series) 

English Despite knowing next to nothing about mahjong, I decided to dive into the series, thinking, who knows, maybe I will learn how to play it... Sadly, the series lost me right from the start, especially with the introduction of the yellow bird mascot. Something about it just threw me off, and I had a feeling that if I kept watching Chonbo, it would only distract me from the mahjong focus. Unfortunately, no other character managed to make up for that jarring impression. After some contemplation and weighing all possible game strategies, I had to make the call: it's a drop after the first episode, and left unrated.