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Reviews (1,704)


As Miss Beelzebub Likes. (2018) (series) 

English If ecchi fans have fan service, then what do moe fans have? This anime series provides us with a possible answer! Moe fans have fluff service! Everything here is fluffy, furry, and circular in pastel colors, and most importantly, so soft and cuddly. Even the toughest characters are adorable and cute and everything is full of naive "puppy-dog" romantic stuff, crammed full of blushes and shy retreats. What can I say...? For those who like to watch cute and adorable things, this is perhaps going to be heaven, whereas for fans of horror, gore and frantically paced action this is going to be pure hell! Jeoffrey (fortunately for the producers of this show) belongs to the former category of those who can snuggle up with some hot cocoa under some nice fluffy blankets, and smile contentedly at the sight of Bel-chan or Gocchin and have a lovely nice time despite the insane naivety, simplicity, and sometimes even stupidity. In conclusion, I found this to be a very good show and in the end, I am even going to forgive them for the crass product placement in the last episode (Kentucky Fried What?!?). Mofumofu - I was completely brainwashed - 7.5/10.


Merc Storia: The Apathetic Boy and the Girl in a Bottle (2018) (series) 

English This anime series contains some quite nice stories, and they are good enough to be bedtime stories. If I am not mistaken, apart from the opening and ending, I counted six country event stories in total, two of which I just did not enjoy very much ("You, the Escort from My Dreams and the Forgotten Village" and "The Flightless Angel and the Holy Wings of a Myriad Wishes") and two of which I enjoyed a lot ("Tomboy Fairy and the Dragon Who Feeds on Spring" and "King of the Opera and the Birdcaged Diva"), however, the rest were at least a bit interesting. Of course, each narrative was based on its own idea and was charming in its own right. In addition, all of them had a nice atmosphere. The aforementioned "King of the Opera and the Birdcaged Diva" has a very good soundtrack. As far as the characters are concerned, you get used to Yuu, the main male protagonist, and I have grown to like him, although I found Jamo and Toto to be more of an afterthought... What about Merc? Well, who would not want a cute girl locked in a jar? If Merc were available as merch, I would probably want to procure her – I thought she was such a cute creature even with her "Nanodesu yo!" 6.4/10.


Golden Kamuy - Season 2 (2018) (season) 

English I have to say that the second season is even better than the first. It still retains all the redeeming features of the previous season, so it is really interesting and entertaining with lots of fun facts from Ainu's life, all in a beautiful and stunning setting combined with a thrilling treasure hunt full of many twists - and all perfectly balanced!!! In addition, we get to know the characters in a deeper way, which deepens our relationship with them. So, for me personally, it is no longer just about Sugimoto and Asirpa, because everyone in this show is quite relatable in some way (whether it be the charming Incarmat, the valiant Tanigaki, the cool samurai Toshizou, or the "slightly" crazy First Lieutenant Tsurumi). Sure, sometimes this is a very strange show that makes me roll my eyes while wishing I had never watched it (like the parts with the highly dedicated taxidermist, or when the gentlemen eat a certain kind of meat with aphrodisiac effects), however, even these will be powerful scenes that will be remembered even months later... So I really had a great time watching this show and I hope the next season is going to be even better. 8.4/10.


Anima Yell! (2018) (series) 

English I have never been a particularly huge fan of cheerleading because of all the American movies I have watched and the way they are portrayed in those movies. I was just not interested in cheerleading at all. However, despite all that I decided to give this anime series a chance, and I was very pleasantly surprised. There is a lot of emphasis on the cheerleaders' main job in encouraging others, motivating them, and giving them strength through their performances, and I really like that concept. Also, the whole feel of the show is sweet, fun, and energetic, so I was able to really get into every episode. As for the characters, Kohane reminded me of other characters like Kaos from Comic Girls, and I was therefore beyond pleased and charmed by her enthusiasm for the cause, a bit of mischief, and light-heartedness - I enjoy characters like that. In conclusion, this anime series about cheerleading managed to cheer me up during the winter months and I was also able to root for the main female protagonists, and basically just made my days at least a little bit better. In the end, I too will be cheering the girls on and awarding this show what I think is a well-deserved 7/10.


Double Decker! Doug & Kirill (2018) (series) 

English I have to say that I actually quite enjoyed this crazy, wild and colorful Charlie's Angels-style circus show. I especially liked the way they incorporated the buddy-cop idea into this crime drama storyline. Sure, it was a really insane and colorful show at times, even though that enabled me to accept such strange twists as finding out where the drug everyone was chasing came from, as well as the origins of Kirill. If this was another show, I perhaps would have been thinking what a load of crap. However, this anime series managed a fine balance with the narrative and the tone of the show, so the crazy stuff fit. I ended up having as much fun as I would have had at, say, an eighties discotheque full of lasers, strobe lights, and crazy dance music. On the other hand, I was never actually that much into the magical eighties discotheque groove. In conclusion, regarding this show - while the whole thing fits together perfectly and, in some ways, was endearing, I am still not sure I would want to watch this technicolor romp again anytime soon... 6/10


Release the Spyce (2018) (series) 

English Well, unlike one of my fellow reviewers, I really could not remember what happened in Katana Maidens Toji No Miko at all, so I could not compare this anime series to that particular show. However, I quickly realized that there was another and perhaps better espionage-based anime series featuring young girls - it is called Princess Principal (PP), and so I was able to compare this show with that one. Anyway, PP surpassed Release the Spyce (RtS) in almost every way and on all counts. This includes the setting, the storyline, the espionage missions, and really everything in RtS is like a level or two down from PP. Still, I cannot say that RtS does not have something going for it. As other reviewers have written, it has a pretty great soundtrack, and I also liked the brisk opening. I thought the atmosphere really benefited a lot from the good music they chose. Despite that, I didn't really like the characters much, and I did not get to like anyone in particular (although the sexy main female villain). On the other hand, I did not find the characters particularly irritating either. Sometimes I felt like there was a bit of that Mission Impossible-like suspense, and sometimes I was reminded of that famous 007 dude again, so even as a narrative centered on espionage it held up for me, with the more serious and slightly dramatic ending not bothering me at all. So, what about the rest? Well, young girls were playing at being secret agents whilst dealing with their own personal problems, and I thought that actually each new girl was a bit too fixated on their mentor for my taste... 5.2/10.


UzaMaid! (2018) (series) 

English I could fully understand that from an ethical standpoint, a narrative featuring a woman with such an unhealthy obsession with little girls, combined with the things she occasionally let out of her mouth, is basically really horrible and not really something to be messed about with. However, this is actually just a comedy, an exaggerated satirical comedy that no one should take too seriously. This is not (in my opinion) pedophile fan service, there are no overly erotic scenes and there are no scenes with a strongly suggestive erotic subtext. Therefore, I think there was no reason to watch it nervously. The narrative is really sweet at times, featuring a likable child protagonist with a sad backstory, a few psychological issues, and a woman with an extreme and completely unhealthy interest in this child, and there is yet another woman, who has completely over-the-top masochistic tendencies (among other things). This show is quite weird, this show is quite crazy, and this show is often a bit stupid. However, after saying all that, I still quite enjoyed it... So personally speaking, the entertainment value of this show is unfortunately largely overshadowed by my personal reservations regarding certain moral grey areas, and so in the end I am not going to go below 5.5/10.


Boarding School Juliet (2018) (series) 

English Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet set in a Japanese boarding school? Well, I am not sure about that because the whole thing did not really work, especially the two college dormitories: the "Black Dogs”, and the "White Cats" - well, let us just say I would not want to be a part of either. Otherwise, this is a classic narrative regarding the struggle against social divergence and hatred related issues in society, and love is supposed to conquer all. Or perhaps it should at least show others the way? Sometimes it does indeed work like that, although at other times, like the school plays in this show, the entire storyline is total bullshit. However, when you put it all together it is a watchable and sometimes even entertaining show, and perhaps occasionally a little moving. I find the characters Romio and Juliet quite likable, they have some chemistry going on. Then there is the ending which acts as a fitting conclusion to this first season and held up quite well for me. I could easily go for another season even though I am not sure this first season was that memorable... Even so, I did not find it boring and that is the main thing 5.5/10.


Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood. (2018) (series) 

English I have been wondering for a long time if there is anything unique about this anime series apart from "being about vampires". In other words, I am wondering if there is any good reason to give it a better than average rating. In the end, I found nothing to warrant that. There are just some cute girls messing about with cute vampires. The vampires do not suck blood, but rather order it through Amazon. They do not bite, but rather just flirt with the cute girls occasionally and do all sorts of supposedly cute vampire things. However, it really is cute (which you can tell just by the fact that I have written the word cute five times already and I have no desire to rewrite this...). The show occasionally caused me to smile here and there, and I probably liked all the characters, especially the main two protagonists. While I am actually quite satisfied, I somehow still cannot bring myself to award it more than 6.3/10.


Between the Sky and Sea (2018) (series) 

English Fishing in space may sound interesting at first but unfortunately in reality it is a lot more boring and stupid than you would think. The show features girls who just did not really appeal to me, even though I usually like freaky, energetic girls. I just could not get along with Haru, for example, and she was so annoying I got a headache. The other girls in this show are pretty stereotypical and the fact that they each speak a slightly different dialect does not help them to be more original than girls in other shows. Likewise, it does not have any interesting or entertaining storylines, and so my mind started wandering and at least twice thought of some resolution that was much more interesting and dramatic than what the anime’s creators had come up with. In the end, I had to pretty much force myself to try and watch more episodes and I could not keep up really, so this was one of the first anime series I had to take a break from. Then, when I went back to watch it again, I found that by episode eight I had just completely lost interest... So I thought “why should I force myself to watch any more?”. I have really seen enough and I am sorry, but "cute girls doing space fishermen" (to prove to everyone that it is not just a job for men!) was completely boring. Dropped after the eighth episode and 3.5/10.