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Reviews (887)


Natural Born Liar (2022) 

English Could this be Tarek Boudali's first stumble? After all his previous comedies, which I devoured to the fullest and which always made me laugh ad absurdum, he comes up with a very weak piece that I didn't laugh almost once! The idea of an inveterate liar lying to everyone and everywhere and one day all his uttered lies turn into reality is perfect for a comedy, but it's as if they lacked the balls to make it more exciting, and the whole thing is terribly boring and unfunny. The individual lies and details are mundane and sterile, the characters are forgettable dummies and the plot is maddeningly uninteresting. Much more could have been made of this idea, one star for the idea, but apart from that it's a terrible misstep.


Ghosted (2023) 

English Let's be honest, none of us were expecting Jack Ryan-like CIA action from Ghosted, we all went for the fun love story, the women for the sexy Captain America and the men for the gorgeous Ana de Armas, who is just a joy to watch. The story is nothing innovative and the fights and chases are nothing amazing either, but entertainment-wise it's a very cool piece and the characters are also great and easy for the viewer to like. I was expecting more crap, but the result is an inoffensive one-off that certainly doesn't bore - in short, a perfectly fine diversion. And the cameos of Deadpool, the Winter Soldier and the Falcon were a great pleasure!


Kajaki (2014) 

English An intense, gritty and bleak war film about a group of soldiers who get trapped in a mined ravine. It's nerve-wracking as fuck, the gang is likeable and once the mines start exploding (and there are some!) I was strapped into my seat as long as I could. Take away the last 20 minutes, where the film is already dragging moderately, and I would have been even more satisfied.


Pineapple Express (2008) 

English I thought I'd catch up with this classic, but the humour went completely over my head and overall it's very weak. I was expecting wackier from Seth Rogen and James Franco.


Evil Dead Rise (2023) 

English It's hard to believe a "rookie" like Lee Cronin could do this. He's pulled off a horror film that has managed to please 80% of the audience after God knows how long, is heading for massive numbers in the ratings, and is not just another generic entry into the genre, but the ultimate pleasure for die-hard fans of the franchise and the average viewer alike. Evil Dead Rise may not be as great as I would have liked, nor is it significantly more sophisticated or specifically its own, but it doesn't bore from start to finish, serves up great gore that in terms of quality and quantity and torrents of blood makes you feel almost disgusted, and visually wades into waters where other horror films fear to tread, and therefore scores full marks in terms of explicit scenes. Likewise, the soundtrack is nifty, and I wouldn't believe I'm about to say this, but the acting is top notch as well, as, exceptionally nobody here runs around like headless chickens, but behaves (within reason) quite rationally. I'm saving my fifth star for minor details like the characters' occasional sentimental "you'd be a good mom" talk while being chased by a knife-wielding psychopath (damn, I'm really waiting in vain for a movie that spares us these clichéd unconvincing chatterboxes... ) or the heroic monologues of the heroine while she's hacking the monster to bits, but outside of that and the fact that the curse jumps on whoever it wants to and how it suits it, I can't really complain in any significant way, because I can't remember a horror carnage this cinematically sound, purposeful and satisfying. A satisfying and I would say almost perfect first date movie.


Sisu (2022) 

English A bunch of Nazis steal gold from the Finnish Santa Claus, but unfortunately for them, he's an ex-commando of Finnish elite assassins and he doesn't like it very much. Don't be fooled by the film's description and look, as this is no serious murder mystery, but a pure swag satirical comedy that just happens to have the premise it does. Anyone expecting a Finnish killing spree John Wick should go into the film with caution and temper expectations, but anyone who wants to see a pissed off SISU grandpa tearing limbs off, destroying tanks and slicing up Nazis by the hundred-sixths in a very wacky and far-fetched format (10 minutes underwater, holding on to a plane and sprinting with a shot leg...) should go for it. Because I'm afraid this "festival film" for a narrow spectrum of viewers won't be available for download any time soon, so I'd take the cinema screening option. Although it may not have been the aim, I had a good time, and even though I don't often seek out this unrealistic and over-the-top genre, I enjoyed this one.


American Manhunt: The Boston Marathon Bombing (2023) (series) 

English I liked the movie version of Patriots Day a little better because it combined the factual side with quality action and gritty filmmaking, but the new Netflix documentary has something going for it too. Especially for those unfamiliar with the Boston Marathon Bombing, it presents all the information, investigation and progression in a very clear and entertaining way and the whole thing feels quite dynamic and rewarding, something I appreciate, it's very good that the documentary doesn't get boring. A quality, enjoyable and "just right" three-part documentary series.


What Is a Woman? (2022) 

English What at first appears to be a comedic satire turns into a brutal philosophical dystopia that is literally chilling. The comedic portion highlights the ridiculous elements in the understanding of gender and self-identity, but later digresses more and more into themes of sexual identity, transgenderism and the growing trend of gender transition, as well as showing the efforts of today's world to silence anyone who would "emotionally damage trans people" with their words, and anyone who respects basic biology and disrespects the 1000 different genders. The whole situation that is rapidly evolving not only in America but around the world is being turned on its head and the whole "documentary" makes me physically sick to my stomach when I think of the wacky world our generation's children will have to grow up in. Very disgusting and I incredibly appreciate the author for having the balls to publicly speak out against this.


Leave (2022) 

English Leave certainly can't be taken as a horror film, but as a mystery about a girl's search for her deceased mother, their Nordic roots and the circumstances of her death, the film is a fairly solid affair. The likeable face of the main character and the sort of mystery surrounding the family is quite enjoyable, you feel that something is in the air and just wait for the final reveal of the cards, and while the film is nothing extraordinary and doesn't deviate too strongly from the template of similar films, I certainly wasn't bored by it. What remains a mystery to me, though, is why the film leans heavily into the horror genre when the "ghost" only appears once and in a completely inconsequential way at that. Leave should have done perfectly with just the mystery-quest genre instead of playing at something it's not. A decent average, and it’s a pity that it has so few reviews and only 50%, because it would probably deserve the attention of the average viewer.


The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) 

English It's a bit hammy in the details and feels a bit too funny in places, and the "run-up" before the film moves into the arena is also endless, but the characters and especially the final twist won me over 100% even after all these years. A good teen flick from my younger years that entertains.