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Reviews (7,536)


Emily the Criminal (2022) 

English Aubrey Plaza is among my favorite actresses, and her performance in this film did not disappoint. However, I found myself somewhat let down by the screenplay, which lacked depth and consistency. At times, it seemed to veer away from the genre, only to circle back without much cohesion. My main issue, though, lay with the overall tone. While I didn't dislike Emily as a character, I couldn't fully get behind her actions. She crossed moral boundaries repeatedly, showing no qualms about theft, deceit, or even potential violence. Sure, she was a woman, so what? Should I root for her because she was in debt and because her being convicted of a violent crime prevented her from getting a better job? Talk about double standards. /Lesson learned: Slopes can be slippery.


The Last Kingdom - Episode 4 (2022) (episode) 

English The storyline felt noticeably better than in the previous episode. However, I can't help but feel a tinge of nostalgia for the original charm that once defined the series. The departure of a key character was inevitable, yet somewhat drawn-out. Plus, the theological discussion felt unnecessary and detracted from the focus on depicting the dark realities of the Middle Ages, which I hoped to see more of. A pretty average episode. / Lesson learned: God doesn't talk much.


1917 (2019) 

English Well, that was an interesting ride. The storyline certainly had its moments, reminiscent of Saving Private Ryan, only the Great War was missing. Sure, there were some explosions here and there, a few shots fired, but it all felt a bit disjointed. Machine guns were toted around like accessories, the Germans seemed to disappear from the frame, and the frequent moments of silence left me puzzled. I couldn't quite grasp the significance of the scene with the Frenchwoman and the foundling, although the Albatros crash-landing had me intrigued. Nevertheless, the film's main contribution was its stark portrayal of the absurdity of wartime fervor. / Lesson learned: There is none. Current events serve as stark reminders of that.


Anthracite (2024) (series) 

English For me, the main problem of the series was the fact that it was French. I've never been a fan of French cinema (with honorable exceptions). It felt like a wild, untamed ride, teeming with peculiar characters in a town where familial bonds trumped all, and where logic took a backseat. Still, I won't completely write off the series. It did have its moments of humor and intrigue, and just because it didn't win me over doesn't mean it couldn't charm someone else. / Lesson learned: When exploring an old mine, bring along your trusty sister for company.


Anthracite - The Point of Equilibrium (2024) (episode) 

English The finale was extremely unbalanced. The first three quarters felt like a jumble of chaotic and illogical nonsense, leaving me scratching my head. However, the last stretch was somewhat more coherent compared to the series' usual standards. I wouldn't say I had a blast, but I also wasn't bored out of my mind. The ending, much like the rest of the series, left me with mixed feelings. / Lesson learned: Romantic love between siblings isn't exactly in fashion.


Anthracite - A Darker Shadow (2024) (episode) 

English Episode five left me feeling thoroughly underwhelmed; every new revelation felt like it was spoon-fed to the audience, lacking the depth I craved. It's almost as if they assumed we were all lacking in the brains department. Maybe they were aiming for the American crowd, but then again, wouldn't they have switched to American English for that? Regardless, this episode fell flat for me.


Anthracite - Levia Borelis (2024) (episode) 

English The massive dose of illogical chaos in this episode is starting to really mess with my head. So much so that I decided to give this episode three stars. Whatever the reason, I'm suddenly invested in how this wild ride is going to unfold. / Lesson learned: The Lada Niva - a vehicle fit for every terrain.


Anthracite - Trust No One (2024) (episode) 

English I'm at a crossroads after this third episode. Was it genuinely better than the last one, or have I just started to acclimate to the absurdity? Let's be honest: this series is not exactly a masterclass in coherence. Rocks and cliffs seem to switch places, the pseudo-investigations leave me scratching my head, and I can't shake off that unsettling feeling that maybe we should all steer clear of mountains, especially after seeing this. / Lesson learned: Optimists have a good chance of dying happily.


Anthracite - The 13th Disciple (2024) (episode) 

English Alright, now we're in truly bizarre territory. The French creators decided to sacrifice logic for the sake of... Well, I wish I could tell you. Crime? Thriller? Mystery? It's like they threw all these genres into a blender and hoped for the best. Conspiracy? Sure, in the sense of wild conspiracy theories. Psychedelic? Absolutely, it feels like someone dropped a tab of acid into the script. Overall, it was a weirdly unpleasant experience, but hey, at least Netflix could teach us about true values again. / Lesson learned: Only the French could turn a streak of coal dust into a symbol of purity..


The Last Kingdom - Episode 3 (2022) (episode) 

English Finally, some much-needed action fitting for those dark times. You'd think I'd be one satisfied viewer, but that would require the writers to have a basic grasp of tactics (strategic thinking seems too much to ask). I'm left scratching my head about what the Romans were planning to build on the site of fictional York. Modern-day York, perhaps? Judging by the kilometers of stone drains under a single fortified courtyard, it wouldn't surprise me. Plus, there were way too many tearful scenes for my liking, considering the times.