Most Watched Genres / Types / Origins

  • Drama
  • Documentary
  • Short
  • Animation
  • Comedy

Authors (10)

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Братья Карамазовы (The Brothers Karamazov, 1880)

Преступление и наказание (Crime and Punishment, 1866)

Записки изъ подполья (Notes from Underground, 1864)

James Joyce

Ulysses (1922)

Finnegans Wake (1939)

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916)

Franz Kafka

Der Process (1925)

Das Schloss (1926)

Amerika (1927)

Thomas Pynchon

Gravity's Rainbow (1973)

Mason & Dixon (1997)

Against the Day (2006)

Samuel Beckett

The Trilogy (1953)

Worstward Ho (1983)

Comment c'est (1961)

Robert Musil

Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (1930-1943)

Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß (1906)

Drei Frauen (1924)

Leo Tolstoy

Война и мир (War and Peace, 1869)

Анна Каренина (Anna Karenina, 1878)

Смерть Ивана Ильича (The Death of Ivan Ilyich, 1886)


Ἰλιάς (Iliad, c. 8th centuy BC)

Ὀδύσσεια (Odyssey, c. 8th centuy BC)

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