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Reviews (4,960)


Cockpit (2012) 

English He’s not a woman, but he’s a flight attendant. She’s a woman and she’s bisexual at the same time. The result was that I didn’t laugh even at the beginning, which was at least a bit absurd. The rest was pretty boring.


Paranormal Activity 4 (2012) Boo!

English This is getting embarrassing. But if it keeps making money, I get it.


The Call (2013) 

English After I saw this film, I thought I was going to give it a four-star review. But it was enough for the user emma53 to write a single sentence to me and I realized that even though this thriller is good, the ending ruins the movie. You see, the whole thing is trying to look quite realistic. The 991 hotline, where emergency calls are answered by Halle Berry, was quite tense. But later, where Halle switches from providing help through a headset to actually helping specific people, the movie gets quite schematic, and it wasn’t very realistic. And the ending crowned everything. Anyways, when it comes to good thrillers, this one is still definitely worth watching.


Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa (2013) 

English At first, I gave the movie a three-star review, but then I upgraded to four stars. I had a really good laugh watching this movie. Johnny Knoxville took one scene from Jackass and turned it into a feature film similar to Borat. And it was flawless. Scenes at the escort service, at the shop but also pretty much anywhere else were simply amazing. On top of that, you have the grandson who is as good as his crazy horny granddad and who quickly tunes to the same wavelength. What else can you want from this movie but some honest laughs? I got plenty of those.


Interstellar (2014) 

English This movie is as if Nikola Tesla opened up one of his Pandora boxes. I wouldn’t have understood a single thing, but I would have been absolutely fascinated by it. And now if you excuse me, I think I may have to spend the rest of my life studying all available theories about the universe, black holes and fifth dimensions.


Nothing to Declare (2010) 

English Before I give you my review, I would like to thank the users Enšpígl, Snorlax and emma53. I’d like to thank the ladies for recommending the movie to Enšpígl, and I’d like to thank Enšpígl for passing it forward. Thanks to them, we got to enjoy an absolutely amazing French-Belgian comedy that at times can be pretty uncompromising. Dany Boon, the French guy, is taking it easy. But Benoit Poelvoorde as the Belgian is really brutal. The first half is built up so well that I thought that I would never again get to laugh so hard in my life. But the second half was really different. The frequency of jokes gets a lot lower, but I still have to agree that I hadn’t seen such a good comedy in a long time. Actually, I didn’t even know that this rivalry existed. Now I know and I will have something to look back on.


Calvary (2014) 

English The director and Brendan Gleeson did it again. They mesmerized me with a movie that may not necessarily be funny, but that is really dark and above all contains the amazing atmosphere of the Irish countryside. But it’s not only about the beautiful landscapes that you get to see in the movie. It’s also about the story, which is essentially very simple and straightforward, but which definitely provides a lot to think about. And last but not least, I mustn’t forget the actors. While in the USA some TV show actors have trouble switching from a comedy role to a serious one, here Dylan Moran and Chris O’Dowd do it with a flick of their finger. Obviously, I shouldn’t forget about the very interesting and likeable Kelly Reilly or Aidan Gillen. They all put in divine performances and Brendan is in charge of all that. I don’t know about you, but it’s been a long time since I saw a movie where I’d fall for so many characters at once and that would sweep me off my feet with the story and the atmosphere of the setting. An absolutely clear five-star review and not a star less than that.


Don't Look Now (1973) 

English Well I did look… especially at the soft porno scene, which they say shocked the world at that time. And I am not surprised. You see, it’s the only thing about the movie that’s any interesting. All the rest is incredibly boring despite the pretty interesting premise.


A Perfect Plan (2012) 

English An unbelievably pleasant comedy with the out-of-this-world beautiful Diane Kruger and the incredibly chill Dany Boone, who are really enjoying the hell out of this movie. And the viewer gets to enjoy the movie as well. The best thing about this comedy is that it’s good when Diane is trying to seduce Dany, as well as when Dany finds out what a mess Diane is, and he still decides to give her a nice day. That romantic part was so beautiful that I had to watch it a couple of times in a row. I really like movies like this one.


The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) 

English A Western as black-and-white as the Reaper’s last case. At the beginning, it’s pretty naïve, but eventually evil shows itself and you get a proper experience loaded with suspense. What’s also interesting about the movie is the fact that instead of colts, the characters seem to be using politics, which I didn’t find too great. But what can you do, right? It might be the very reason why I won’t easily forget this movie. I don’t think there are more Western movies like this one.