Jörn Threlfall

Jörn Threlfall


Jörn Threlfall is a director based in London, where he's represented for commercials by Outsider. Jörn studied film and theatre in Berlin, and went on to work for The Discovery Channel and Channel 4 / 4Creative in London. His work has garnered a multitude of honours worldwide, including Cannes Lions, and a Gold and Black Pencil at the D&AD Advertising Awards. His 30 minute film "Mojado", shot over 6 days in Mexico, played to critical acclaim at many festivals worldwide, including Rhode Island (US), Guanajuato (Mexico) and Raindance (London). It won Best Short Film, International Human Rights, at the Artivist Film Festival in LA in 2014. Jörn's latest short film "Over" was shot in West London last year. It won the Grand Jury Prize at 2015 Palm Springs International ShortFest, the Grand Prix at Odense, Uppsala, Regensburg and Dresden International Film Festivals, the Best of British Award at Encounters in Bristol, Best Experimental Short at Message to Man in St. Petersburg, and Best Short at the Hamptons International Film Festival. It was invited to screen at the Telluride Film Festival in September, and was nominated for a European Film Academy Award and Critics Circle Awards in 2015/6. It screened in the International Narrative Short section at Sundance Film Festival 2016. His video triptych "The Borrowers", shot in Sigmund Freud's study in Hampstead, London, will be exhibited at the Freud House in late 2016. Jörn is currently developing a feature-length film 'Portal' through his London-based company Lenaray Films. He was selected as one of the BFI/Screen International's "Stars of Tomorrow 2015" and was nominated for a BAFTA in 2016.

Festival krátkých filmů Praha





