Morten Tyldum

Morten Tyldum

Born 19/05/1967 (57 years old)
Bergen, Norway


Morten Tyldum is a graduate from the School of Visual Arts in New York, and worked at the youth desk of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) for several years, where he was one of several new TV directors who helped define the new visual language of television in the early 1990s.

His first film was the short Fast Forward (2000) with Aksel Hennie and Nicolai Cleve Broch in the leading roles, but his real breakthrough as director came with Buddy in 2003. The film reached an impressive 280 000 admissions in Norway alone. Buddy introduced a new generation of actors to younger audiences, and was a turning point in recent Norwegian film history.

Morten’s second film, Fallen Angels, was meant to be the last chapter in the Varg Veum film series. Fallen Angels was nominated for five Amanda Awards in 2008, and impressively, with almost 130 000 admissions, attracted a bigger audience than the first film in the series.

Morten is a highly sought-after commercial director, and is a partner and director in the production company Einar film og fortellinger (see for a selection of his films). His confident style and talent for action and humor has made him the director of choice for some of the most expensive and influential commercials ever produced in Norway.

Yellow Bird Films

