Sergio Hernández

Sergio Hernández

Born 1945
Valparaíso City, Valparaíso, V Region, Chile


Sergio Hernández Albrecht graduated as an actor from the University of Chile in 1967. Soon after, he moved to Europe and upon his arrival in Paris, he participated in his first film project under the direction of Raúl Ruíz in the film Dialogues of Exiles. In Poland, he participated in the Gardzienice, an experimental anthropological theater group directed by Jerzy Grotovsk. He later worked as a socio-cultural animator at the House of Culture of Bayonne. He has participated in countless shorts and features and has received several career trajectory awards as well as best actor recognitions. In film, the following projects stand out: The Promised Land (Miguel Littin), Johnny 100 Pesos (Graef-Marino), The Sacred Family of Sebastián Lelio (Pedro Sienna award, Best Actor); The Border (Ricardo Larraín), Dawson Island (Littin), Amelia Lopez O’Neil and Secrets (Valeria Sarmiento), National Holiday (Luis Vera), B-Happy (Gonzalo Justiniano), A Sure Deal (Ricardo Carrasco), Not So Far From Andrómeda (Juan Vicente Araya), the posthumous film of Raúl Ruíz, Night Across the Street, Sal (Diego Rougier), The Year of the Tiger (Lelio), and Glory (Lelio). He has participated in many TV series, including Call Me Francisco, an Italian production for Netflix 2016 where he portrays Pope Francis.

Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara
