
A year after the original tragedy, Julie James (Jennifer Love Hewitt) is in college trying to piece her life back together. When her roommate, Karla (Brandy Norwood), wins a trip for four to a tropical island, everything seems to be fine. That changes during a seemingly harmless karaoke session, however, when instead of lyrics a menacing message appears on the teleprompter to return the horror to Julie's life. It's not long before the bodies start piling up, and she once again finds herself facing the wrong end of the knife--but this time, she's far from the comforts of home! (official distributor synopsis)


Reviews (3)


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English A very weak concoction of the already mediocre first part. The typical simple chase with a hooded killer, full of clichés, predictable and with mediocre acting. The sets are very bad and the murders are not excellent either. Very boring. ()


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English Brazil, a voodoo brush, a tanning salon. When a relatively scary murderer turns into an awkward everyday dude, supporting characters turn into unbearably obnoxious creatures, and the most basic logic goes on vacation, it makes a good slasher into incomprehensible and ridiculously comedic trash, which unnecessarily spoils the rep of the previous enjoyable installment. Without the likably resilient Freddie Prinze, Jr., this would have been an absolute disaster. ()



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English I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is a sequel that didn't contribute to building anything new; viewers will just feel like they've watched the same film twice. That’s also because the characters are the same. Moreover, the creators essentially nullified the possibility for viewers to be tense about who the killer is, because the twist is quite expected. No one else can even be involved in it. ()

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