Nikola Tesla - Visionary of Modern Times

(TV movie)
Germany, 2012, 52 min

Directed by:

Michael Krause


Florian Pawliczek


Michio Kaku, Nikola Tesla (a.f.)
(more professions)


Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) is one of the masterminds of the modern age and the visionary of an ecological energy concept for the 21st century. His influence until today is gigantic! Tesla invented AC (Alternating Current) and he presented the transmission of electromagnetic waves for the first time; today we call it: radio. His "world widewireless system" anticipated Internet. The film is based on the book "All About Tesla". It tells the story of his life and analyses his impact on the development of our modern world. His life is like a thriller about science, money and power. (official distributor synopsis)



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