A Fistful of Dollars

  • USA A Fistful of Dollars (more)


San Miguel is a one horse town that’s being pulled apart by two rival families. John Baxter, the crooked town sheriff with a sideline in weapons smuggling, seeks to establish his own version of law and order with support from his son, Antonio and their gang of thugs. But the Rojo Cartel - headed up by a trio of volatile brothers: Miguel, Ramón and Esteban - have their own ambitions for San Miguel and its strategic position on the Mexican border. Enter the Man with No Name: a laconic gunslinger for hire who drifts into town and, after learning of of the Baxter Rojo feud, spots an opportunity. He plays the warring clans off against one another and turns their vendetta to his advantage - but the stranger's duplicity riles both families, and the vengeful Rojos decide to take drastic action in the battle for San Miguel. (Park Circus)

