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Reviews (3,817)


The Last Tycoon (2016) (series) 

English F. Scott Fitzgerald's last unfinished novel is apparently destined to be an unfinished series. The beautiful setting, inspired by mid-1930s Hollywood, combines real and fictional (inspired) characters and gives us a taste of the whole dream factory mechanism at its best. Amazon's The Last Tycoon series is one of those unassuming gems of that ideally should appeal to the full spectrum of audiences of the latest Gatsby adaptation, but it is sadly somewhat overlooked on television. But I hope not forever. Fitzgerald's world is still exquisite, enticing, riotous, and sensual. I also dare say very topical. So let yourself be swept up in the peripeteia surrounding the latest Type A production, and when you're done, follow up with, for example, a series about Fitzgerald's wife Zelda - Z: The Beginning of Everything. The whole thing cycles beautifully.


The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017) 

English Blah, blah, blah... Kubrick, Haneke, and their illegitimate son von Trier had an accident and this was born. Kidman and Colin had to be in there. And someone claimed that the whole thing was classic Iphigenia.


The White World According to Daliborek (2017) 

English It is completely unnecessary to devote a full-length documentary to this topic. The theme in the form this simple simpleton from Prostějov culminates in the simple message that the one who spews hateful nonsense is in fact the harmless immature son of a naive mother. Once again, Klusák works only with empty phrases and (unintentional?) grotesqueness. Why confront a so-called neo-Nazi with the facts and pay any attention to him? This kind of person is indeed an annoying insect, but in fact only harms itself. His life is going nowhere, but he also doesn't vote, doesn't participate in demonstrations, and simply survives on his delusions and mistakes. We have more interesting and serious phenomena in society than this. The first ladies of our documentary filmmaking are able to create stories and statements in their films that have value. If Klusák shares this ambition, he hasn't been working on it for at least the last decade. Unfortunate.


Barefoot (2017) 

English A charming and picturesque story based on Zdeněk Svěrák’s book about the memories of his childhood. What more could you ask for? The ideal form of the ideal substance. It would make no sense to leave this project out of Jan's biography. This way, it’s just fine.


Z: The Beginning of Everything (2015) (series) 

English True, I was expecting more of a Fitzgeraldian whirlwind after the new take on Gatsby, but oh well. Thanks to Amazon, we have one Zelda series and one Last Tycoon series - very fittingly unfinished. So how is Christina Ricci as Zelda? Is she an unconventional Southern belle full of energy, the first carefree girl of the Roaring '20s? Indeed. Confident, attractive, and charming; ideally the kind of woman who could personify the muse of a great writer. David Hoflin, for a change, plays a Fitzgerald who is yearning, ambitious, with an unfulfilled ego and passionate love. The shorter format of the episodes makes Zelda a joyful one-off from my favorite period of the late 1910s and early 1920s. In addition, it features the superbly chosen period hits "Ain’t She Sweet?" and "Makin' Whoopee." We get to relive the time when the novels "This Side of Paradise" (1920) and "The Beautiful and Damned" (1922) were written, and the only thing we can regret is that we don't get to spend more time with Zelda in this form.


Cpt. Exner - Poslední pád mistra Materny – 2. část (2017) (episode) 

English An utterly charming continuation of the actor's case. Kanyza and Němcová in the roles of film and radio directors, Navrátil running the 1st underground antique shop, Pat and Mat searching, and Exner looking good. This makes me happy.


The Tudors - Season 4 (2010) (season) 

English I'm heartbroken by the final feud between Henry VIII's queens. Catherine Howard is just a fragile little chick, while Anne of Cleves is starting to become popular for the first time after gaining her independence... Daughters from previous marriages mature for their regent duties until finally, the chaos has to be severed by the mature Catherine Parr, played by my favorite actress Joely Richardson (Nip/Tuck). If you haven't attached yourself to that Tudor court by Season 4, you have a heart of stone. And yes, I could imagine the same theme in six or more seasons. Finally, there's Henry VIII's father and the fact that his interest in the Boleyn girls started with their mother... and at the other end, Edward VI, Bloody Mary, and Elizabeth I taking turns took forever. In short, it's an inspiring piece of history.


The Tudors - Season 3 (2009) (season) 

English I wouldn't have even noticed that Jana Seymour was played by two different actresses because she was such a bland character. But she fulfilled her role perfectly. The gentle, fragile mother of Edward VI, who reconciled Henry VIII with his daughters Mary and Elizabeth. With her birth, the quality of the entire series peaked prematurely and for a time The Tudors lost its charm. Together with mourning for Jana, however, came the necessity of bridging to wife No. 4 - the German princess Anna of Cleves. It was probably a good choice to have the singer Joss Stone play her, if only for the need to give the impression that she's really out of place. Why look for real reasons why she wasn't welcome when Catherine Howard (a dangerous-looking teenage Tamzin Merchant from Salem) was already waiting in the next room? So who else was great and who is not going to be part of the next season? James Frain (True Blood) as Thomas Cromwell, of course.


Tulip Fever (2017) 

English As much as I hate to, I have to give a nod to the disgruntled part of the audience. Tulip Fever really could have been another story in the style of Girl with a Pearl Earring. However, the non-existent interplay between Vikander and Waltz makes the whole experience rather unbelievable to the point of being unbearable. Or was it just a small mistake and Alicia will overcome this misstep and live up to the hopes placed in her over the last five years as the new ideal costume drama actress? We'll see.


Queen of the Desert (2015) 

English Perhaps because Bell's biography is not the same as Lawrence of Arabia, my enthusiasm is not as great. Nevertheless, the due of Kidman and Herzog offers an unusual sensory experience. Middle Eastern politics, the role of women in society, of course, and many other appealing themes are framed by Herzog in canvases full of pastel colors, and Kidman reminiscing about her roles from her youth, for which she has always had her legendary esprit. Queen of the Desert is an adventure with a magical touch. I’d recommend it to those who are enchanted by The Garden of Allah.