Most Watched Genres / Types / Origins

  • Drama
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Crime
  • Thriller

Favorite Directors (10)

Martin Scorsese

1. Raging Bull. 2. Taxidriver. 3. Goodfellas. 4. Cape Fear. 5. Wolf of Wall Street.

Stanley Kubrick

1. 2001 - Space Oddysey 2. Shining 3. Eyes Wide Shut. 4. Clockwork Orange. 5. Paths of Glory.

Quentin Tarantino

1. Pulp Fiction 2. Gauneri. 3 Django 4. Hanebni Bastardi 5. Jackie Brown

Jim Jarmusch

1. Stranger than paradise. 2. Night on Eaarth. 3 Dead Man. 4 Cofee and Cigaretes. 5 Only Lovers left alive.

David Fincher

1 Se7en. 2. Social Network. 3. Zodiac. 4 Gone Girl. 5. Fight Club

Oliver Stone

1. Platoon. 2. JFK. 3. Born of Forth July, 4. Wall Street. 5. Any Given Sunday.

Martin Šulík

1. Záhrada 2. Všetko čo mám rad 3. Slnečný STAT 4. Krajinka