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Reviews (1,700)


Planes with Brains (2018) 

English "So anyways I have a new movie coming out... What is it? Just another rip-off of Planes, the not-so-successful follow-up to the movie Cars?" I only watched this movie out of boredom, and once again all I can say is yeah, I watched something I wished I had not… The movie features truly awful animation, unlikable characters, and a stupid, boring narrative... The way it looks, the static background, the terrible awful lip-syncing, well, for 2018, that is an absolute tragedy. I was originally going to skip over it and pretend I had never seen it in my life at all, and that this hour of my life, like a few others, had never existed. However, I then looked at the director's profile and realized that this fool is just churning out one awful animated movie after another. I guess the quality of the animation and everything else does not matter to him, and that kind of pissed me off. After all, in 2017-2018 alone, the director made twenty-two movies and judging by the IMDb ratings, they are mostly "treasures". Damn, why did he and his production companies not just take all that money they put into those twenty-two crazy movies and invest it into at least one normal somewhat decent project instead? This is like dumping a bunch of artwork which is the same standard as the trailer for The Drummer and the Princess into the world! I just do not like it... I was going to award it BOO! and then after thinking about it for a while whilst writing this review, I changed my mind and am going to award it one star because as boring as they were, the robot's information about the planes had some sort of educational value, which I think gives this abomination at least some sort of purpose... So, 1/10, and I would prefer not to see anything from Mr. Tramel again in the future…


God of War: Raising Kratos (2019) 

English This is an interesting and emotional documentary that gives the audience a glimpse behind the scenes, and more importantly, helps to complete the picture of what lies behind the success of this game. Certainly, there was a lot of work, nervousness, uncertainty, blood, sweat, and tears. However, the main thing is that the creators poured something of their lives into it, they put their heart into the game. The documentary is very long, however, it contains a lot of emotional statements, genuine opinions, and SPOILER ALERT!!! when you see "Teal'c" talking about his family and almost crying, you can hardly get through it with a dry eye - end of SPOILERS. Anyway, what all of these gentlemen and ladies have done with this brand is as great a feat as when J.J. Abrams "rebooted" Star Trek and I was seriously rooting for them to make it the game of the year 2018. In conclusion - Good job BOY!


Kids on the Slope (2012) (series) 

English I found this show hugely satisfying because this anime series has a lot of scenes which are really great and powerful on all levels. Whether it be the romantic subplots, the bromance, the melodrama, or the soundtrack, in each of these aspects I always found at least one interesting and entertaining moment that got me. I could certainly make a slight criticism, in that I would have personally preferred a bit more music because jazz is a genre I really like, and less of everything else. However, I guess that if they had done that, I would have missed out on a lot of the romantic moments, and also the totally realistic and interesting human dramas... In other words, for example, stuff like the ending of a plot line like Jun and Yuriko's touched my romantic heart. Plus, I found the very end of the anime series also beautifully satisfying... It is also because I have grown to like almost all the characters in this show, so even when they reached a low point and sometimes acted in a way that might have even made me dislike them, I still managed to root for them... Sure, (in my heart) Nodame Cantabile is still at the top of my list of best musical anime series, even so, this was also excellent. 9.1/10.


Omoi no kakera (2015) 

English This is a nice story about how some things may change, but life still goes on regardless... Concerning the soundtrack and animation, it is quite good, and the narrative side is understated and quite endearing. However, it does not have much depth and is not as interesting as I had expected at times. The dramatic backdrop is rather hinted at (and if you do not know how it relates to a certain tragedy that happened in Japan, half of the message is lost) and it is so ordinary, human, sad - just like life. I personally found it was half an hour well spent, albeit only worth three stars. 6.3/10.


He Stood at the Till (1939) 

English Personally, I think this is the best movie starring Vlasta Burian, and my favorite "movie for reminiscing" and whenever I see it on TV, I always watch it until the end and really enjoy it.


Red Dwarf (1988) (series) 

English Rimmer alone makes it impossible not to love this series…


Once Upon a Time... Life (1987) (series) 

English As a kid, I loved this TV show, and it made me interested in the human body, and it made me want to become a doctor for a while. I recently watched a few episodes again and found that even as an adult it is still really enjoyable. 10/10.


Pastel Memories (2019) (series) 

English I am not too keen on complaining about this anime series, which I think is based on a pretty nice idea about "saving the otaku community". It also contains references to a very well-known anime series (Neon Genesis Evangelion) plus even lesser-known anime series (Is the Order a Rabbit?Rozen Maiden, The Ryuo's Work is Never Done! etc.) in every episode. After all, it gently reminds me of other anime series that I have watched before, and I enjoyed speculating about what would be the next anime series to be referenced when watching each episode. Unfortunately, however, that was about the only thing I enjoyed! There were a lot of cute little girls, although not one of them pulled at my heartstrings. It is not just that I am probably going to forget their names after a few weeks (I may well have already forgotten them in fact), it is rather that I am going to forget these girls altogether. Neither the style of how the various manga/anime series were redeemed by the girls, nor the concept of the antagonists in the form of variously developed "viruses", nor the "main villain" impressed me either. Plus, it was mostly the same old same old, probably like Ash's encounter with the Team Rocket in Pokémon and (here we go yet again...), let us be honest here, it just gets pretty boring over time... I have never forgotten the anime series (that I have previously seen) referenced in this anime series, however, yet "Pastel Memories" will probably fade from my mind over time, and so when I compare this anime series to those that were mentioned in it and realize that the moment I guessed what they had in store for today's episode, my interest to keep watching it waned rapidly, I have to award it only something like 4.3/10.


Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple (2018) 

English I love Bungo Stray Dogs anime series and I really enjoyed the first two seasons. Now, I am about to watch the third season, and so when I noticed thanks to one of my favorite reviewers that the movie, which I must have missed last year, was out now, I just did not hesitate to get a hold of it and put it on. However, well, in all honesty, I have to say it was disappointing. For the first hour or so I was kind of bored, even though the anime’s creators introduced me to the plot with a nice flashback scene and quite an interesting narrative involving the backstories of both of the main male protagonists. At times I had trouble following everything as it rushed by at full throttle, and my attention sometimes wandered elsewhere during this time. Was it the movie’s fault? To tell you the truth, I just do not know, perhaps it was my own fault and I had unreasonable expectations... However, I am sure that it was only in the last half hour when everything got going because there were some interesting fight scenes that caught my attention in terms of cool action sequences, the animation had some originality, plus I was glued to the screen and it reminded me of why I love this anime series. It also reminded me of the originality of the productions coming out of the Bones animation studio. However, by that time it was pretty much too late, so in general, I think it is just a little better than average - 6/10.


Kakegurui: Compulsive Gambler - XX (2019) (season) 

English I was expecting there to be a second season, however, I would not have put money on it to have been released so quickly after the first one. Even so, it would seem they needed to try and satisfy the audience with more exciting scenes full of the supposedly suspenseful atmosphere around gambling and especially the orgasmic climaxes from the main female protagonist and some of the other characters. The show has its own hardcore aficionados, so they had to invent another new storyline to keep them interested, and they also added some new characters to keep things from getting stale. The show’s supposed suspense from compulsive psychotic addiction to gambling is therefore interspersed with some slightly erotic sex scenes, where touches are occasionally exchanged, and you can feel some sexual chemistry going on... There are a lot of seemingly vicious and premeditated games, even though their workarounds are always much too sophisticated. Somewhere behind all of that is the main narrative - and this concerns the competition in general, which is about as interesting as any show with an average "tournament arc". Somehow, I thought the first season really worked, and even though it still manages to hold my attention, the second season wears thin. Plus, since I can say I still did not find it boring, I am going to award the second season the poorest of three stars I know and have - 4.5/10.