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Reviews (7,569)


How I Met Your Mother - Unpause (2014) (episode) 

English I initially wanted to criticize the fifteenth episode, but I couldn't because truth-serum-drunk Barney was too great. This time, surprisingly, I didn't mind the more serious tone of some scenes and I enjoyed myself decently. / Lesson learned: The devil is in the details. 4*-


How I Met Your Mother - Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment in Slapmarra (2014) (episode) Boo!

English I knew a dip in quality was coming, but the extent of it caught me off guard. The episode revisited the long-standing slap bet, something I usually dig, only to turn it into a complete debacle. Honestly, both the content and the execution rubbed me the wrong way this time. / Lesson learned: Before a pub brawl, make sure to go on a one-year internship in Shanghai first.


How I Met Your Mother - Bass Player Wanted (2013) (episode) 

English The creators managed to shock me for the second time in the ninth season by pulling off an episode that wasn't entirely dumb. I even found myself chuckling. I did miss the reassurance at the end that no whisky bottles were harmed during filming. / Lesson learned: Don't be afraid to stand up for your opinion; no one else is gonna do it for you.


The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009) 

English I treated myself to another viewing of a film I saw years ago when my world was still all right. It only confirmed my belief that Terry Gilliam is a true visual artist. Admittedly, I wasn't looking forward to rewatching it, remembering that the story went slightly over my head. It turns out that I just needed to age for it like fine liquor. Nothing threw me off, confused me, or annoyed me this time, and I could enjoy this fantastic, wild ex-Python ride to the fullest without being distracted by a lot of unanswered questions. If the casting of four actors as Tony hadn't been a bare necessity and a last-ditch move, it would still have been a great idea, perfectly suited for this wacky film. My personal favorite was Tom Waits as Mr. Nick. It was a weird film, no question about it, but if you know Terry Gilliam's work, you know that it could have been a lot more bizarre. I simply had to increase my rating after all these years. / Lesson learned: I strongly don't recommend gambling with the Devil.


How I Met Your Mother - The Rehearsal Dinner (2013) (episode) 

English I'm kinda torn on this episode. The plot was to the point, so no complaints there, but the humor wasn't exactly legendary. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a lot more juice to squeeze from this storyline if the creators didn't get too fixated on the little monster, and if the big romantic moment didn't feel completely illogical. I'm not questioning the idea; it was solid, just not thrilled about its placement. / Lesson learned: When you're into Laser Tag, don't forget to bring your skates.


How I Met Your Mother - Bedtime Stories (2013) (episode) Boo!

English Who on earth thought this was a good idea? I seriously can't stand rhyming in shows... The creators went all out - aside from going full-on Shakespeare, they completely failed to deliver any good jokes or a meaningful storyline. I hate filler in TV shows, but when it also rhymes? That's just criminal. / Lesson learned: Take your kid to a fireworks display; at least they'll have some legit memories.


How I Met Your Mother - Mom and Dad (2013) (episode) Boo!

English Yet another one of those pointless episodes. The plots were not only unfunny but also entirely unnecessary. The only silver lining was that it finally wrapped up the drawn-out saga of Daphne and Marshall, which had been bugging me most of the time. Everything else just screamed the creators' complete inability to churn out something meaningful. / Lesson learned: If you get stuck in an elevator, don't turn down any refreshments.


Pleasantville (1998) 

English This film has a fine cast, an interesting premise, an even more interesting execution, and a script that somewhat wrestles with logic. Well, all those minor flaws added up and made me subtract one star, but I won't nitpick any further. When I first saw this years ago, I was convinced it was a critique of racial segregation and racism itself. But the world has moved on, and I feel like this film has even greater significance now. / Lesson learned: You want to fit in? Just bleat and stick with the herd.


How I Met Your Mother - Platonish (2013) (episode) 

English I might've welcomed the consistency in the creators' work if only it wasn't consistently subpar. The only part I genuinely enjoyed (and rewarded with a star) were Barney's challenges. Otherwise, I would be bored to death by Ted's relationship troubles.


How I Met Your Mother - The Lighthouse (2013) (episode) 

English The eighth episode had little humor and too much Clint. One star goes to Robin and her egg opener. / Lesson learned: Don't let wandering musicians get into your car.