Ventura Pons

Ventura Pons

Born 25/07/1945
Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain

Died 08/01/2024 (78 years old)
Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain


After a decade as a theatre director, Ventura Pons (b. 1945) directed his first film in 1977, OCANA, which was selected for the Cannes Festival. With a score of feature films, sixteen of which were produced by his own company Els Films de la Rambla, S.A., founded in 1985, he has become one of the best-known Catalan film directors. He has been vice-president of the Spanish Film Academy and the subject of more than 30 international homages and retrospectives. Since 1995 he has concentrated on adapting works by Catalan writers. Among his more recent films: LIFE IN THE ABYSS (2007), FORASTERS (2008), A LA DERIVA (2009), MIL CRETINS (2011), YEAR OF GRACE (2011), AN AFTERNOON IN GENEVA (2013).

Montréal World Film Festival




