Ventura Pons

Ventura Pons

Born 25/07/1945
Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain

Died 08/01/2024 (78 years old)
Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain


Ventura Pons, after a decade as a theater director, where he directed a dozen shows, made his first film Ocaña , retrat intermitent in 1977, which was officially selected for the Cannes Film Festival in 1978. After twenty-five feature films, twenty of them produced by his company ‘Els Films de la Rambla’, founded in 1985, he became recognized as one of the most famous directors of Catalonia. His work is constantly being screened at various International Festivals, particularly the Berlinale, where it was shown five years in a row, and has now been released in many other countries. He has been honored at many festivals around the world and has received numerous international awards. In October 2012 the University of Colorado, Denver (USA) held a conference on his films with english-speaking academic specialists. Throughout his prolific career, in which he insisted on talking about the most intimate human relationships, he adapted plays to film and repeatedly explored documentary techniques. He is the author of a memoir, Els meus (i els altres), and a travelouge, 54 dies i escaig.

Festival Internacional de Cine LGBT de Madrid




